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Everything posted by riffleman

  1. riffleman

    zombies update

    Check example mission which are with the mod.
  2. riffleman

    International Politics Thread

    One intresting thing NATO have started a war against taliban,but it become big worry for indian army as news told.why did NATO ask india for support from east side,pakistan from west side.it will work.but NATO think they can remove taliban,but i guess it is not possible without help of india and pakistan.
  3. riffleman

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    Can i make my campaign realistic,like resistance,if yes than how can i.
  4. riffleman

    Abandoned Armies 1.4

    In this time acceleration is not permitted,so i start poilicy of wait and watch,time now 2 oclock but i still can't see far than 50 m.i now going to chapoi.
  5. riffleman

    Nato last fight against taliban

    at last i see end of war in afghanistan
  6. riffleman

    Nato last fight against taliban

    Big problem for india army now,now terrorist will move to indian border.
  7. riffleman


    The only western women died in pune blast name is nadia and she was from italy .
  8. riffleman

    Abandoned Armies 1.4

    Iam playing this mission,but due to poor visibility i stop.at time of 11 oclock i did't get good visibility.so iam stoping.
  9. riffleman

    How to make config file

    I find in a addon that east side units speaking west type english and face looking like west soldiers like james pound etc.what i have to alter in config file.
  10. My notebook showing message of your system is infected. I have avira.is this enough for removing spyware.
  11. riffleman

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    i have found a campaignmaker in ofpr.info but stuck how to use that
  12. riffleman

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    @Zulu1 All this for arma or for ofp.specify please.
  13. riffleman

    Red Faction

    For me game work fine.
  14. riffleman

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    I try to make campaign by packing all these my mission,when i have a folder than i copy it to campaign folder.but it say no campaign discription.
  15. riffleman

    LamuSoft presents: Village Raid 1.01!

    So many addon,that make mission less playable.
  16. riffleman

    Ofp sp demo mission

    thanks man,
  17. riffleman

    Ofp sp demo mission

    Is this mission is converted to ofp cwc sp mission.i think it does,is there a link of downlable of this one. I download demo but it is corrupted.
  18. I play ofp,when my parents are out of home or there is no one in home.everyone make my fun if i play it in front of someone.but i play it regularly.
  19. riffleman

    Brutal Avalanche

    her the detail news
  20. riffleman

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    I want to learn that,but my school teacher give me lot of work.at weekend i am busy with all my persentation and assignment. My campaign have 5 missions.first one is patrol party 2nd one is safe edge 3rd one destroy dump 4th one enemy edge 5th one here or there all is my land.
  21. riffleman

    what we have to do peace in world

    i got bored from daily man killed in iraq and afganistan why this is happening all due to USA and NATO.who will stop this.why people dieing like animals.man life why become so cheap.
  22. riffleman

    OFP Addon request thread

    is there a software to genrate modfolder.i
  23. riffleman

    zombies update

    new things need to try it.
  24. riffleman

    Abandoned Armies

    Have you follow readme. Set terrain detail normal from video obtions/terrain detail.
  25. riffleman

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    Campaign completed,but stuck with how to put all missions in campaign any help.