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Everything posted by JimDiGritz

  1. I'm with the OP one this 100% To be fair my system is showing it's age: Dual Core 6300 Oc'ed to 2.1Ghz, 2gb RAM and a 512Mb ATI Radeon 2600PRO running XP. That said I get nice and smooth 30-40fps in Fallout3, Left 4 Dead, CoD4 at 1680x1050 with details generally set to Medium to High. ARMA2 I get c.7fps. After messing about with new drivers and defragging and all the other tweaks I now get an astonishing 15fps average. This is at 1024x768 view distance of 700, no AA or shadows etc. The graphics look about the same as the original OFP. Of course I should upgrade my PC, but having read of people springing for brand new high spec PC's just to play this game only to get similar fps is just laughable. I will wait for a series of patches..... Jim