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Everything posted by Ardmore

  1. Gents, I have AI positioned inside their Barracks using "this setpos (((getpos this) nearestobject 33410) buildingpos 2);", but I want them to react to the trigger "detected by" and exit the building and chase down the enemy. For the life of me I've tried everything I can think of (very limited):). I've also tried using the waypoint "hold" and using the "position" setting for the building, but its nigh impossible to get a whole squad setup this way. Is there a simpler way?. Every search I've down results in how to get the AI in, but not to get them out after. Thanks Ardmore
  2. Hi there, I've searched for answers to my question but havent come across any that help. My Squadmate has Arma2 with Arrowhead and Baf but purchased it through Steam (the rest of us bought through different means), the problem is that he cant join us when we're playing on a non-dedicated server (my own PC), though he can join any of the dedicated servers which would I'm presuming count out any firewall problems. Versions are the same. Any assistance would be gratefully received. Ardmore