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Everything posted by Raysputin

  1. PVP games are a lot of fun, and i enjoy playing them for hours. It schemes like most nights one guy will hop in and either do the thing were it makes a bee noise and spawns 1000s of little guys around you on nooses swarming around like bees. Or the other more popular one is 10000 parachutes where the guy looks spawning out of the trees. To be honest i can play arma2 and play 5 movies on my computer so it doesnt really phase me, but the guys that instantly disconnect and sometimes the servers go down too. Like it will really rain on my parade, is there some way to ban these peoples keys? Like all games its not 500 people doing it once its 1 guy doing it 500 times. Wouldn't this count as a pretty clear cut case of violating the agreement thing with all these games. I would really like to know what bohemia interactive is doing about this and when it will be implemented. Also if you personally know how to prevent these people from ever joining it would be nice.