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About cluster

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  1. cluster

    T90 weak as hell?

    anybody heard of dumdum bullets? I don't know how they call it in English but I do know those bullets penetrate and kill every single person inside that tank. that does not mean the tank should explode...
  2. had same problem, switched my config to stereo speakers instead of 5.1 speakers and problem was resolved
  3. cluster

    check server ingame

    Hey there guys, just wanna know if it is possible to check ingame wich server you'r on without having to leave and reconnect? thx
  4. some people may have some problems with that. I couldn't finish badlands for 2 times in a row and tried it myself without any luck but, some people use AZERTY keyboards so your 'M' for endmission is actualy not the M on your keyboard it should be ','