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About cornweld

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    Video games
  1. Hey Nick, Was wandering the forums looking for answers to our unusual high pings.. so far no answers to that but I did stumble upon your most excellent thread calling all sane people to join us, greatly written and very funny. See ya later Dave.
  2. cornweld

    Fed up of Morons

    I'm hoping this settles down as the muppets get bored and disappear back to consoledom. Myself and a friend are looking for sensible gamers to join up on MP missions. We've been trying to co-op the campaign but have got increasingly frustrated with the constant bugs, lag, stupidly placed plot triggers, and the stupid control of the chopper via the support menus. Its a real shame and we're hoping as the game matures it improves as it has loads of potential to be a great sim. Can you give us any good servers that we should join that is free from idiots. Also any suggestions of which form of voice communication to use? We've been using skype but in a multi-player environment I guess we should use something like team speak? If someone could give us server details etc it would be appreciated. Many thanks, David.
  3. Hi all, Me and a friend have been co-oping the campaign for a couple of weeks now and after many failed attempts due the countless number of bugs encountered, stupidily placed plot triggers, lag, and the totally crap way of having to call the chopper via support options we've decided to shelve it. At least until a decent patch is released that fixed the issues. In the meatime we'd like to join up with some of you on a MP. Can someone let me know server details etc, and how best to chat. We have been using skype but I bet there is a better way to communicate. I've used Teamspeak in the past. Ideally looking for something this evenin, 7-8pm GMT . Thanks.
  4. cornweld

    AI Heli Pilots VERY POOR

    Totally agree 8Ball, me and a friend are trying to co-op the campaign and have ran into the same issue tonight with the UH1 pilot, what an A hole!. He just hovers for ages and flies in a very unorthodox manner to a target you specify, takin for ages. No matter what you tell him he just dicks about, it's a shame you can't fly it yourself but then it wouldn't match the roles your given in the mission I guess. Only thing I not tried is fast travel. Well it just needs addressing as a bug, have you logged it in the BUG TRACKER? I've tried to see if has already been reported but I guess it hasn't yet otherwise this would of been fixed with the latest patch (1.3) - You can find the tracker at http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/cis . If you don't log it we will anyway coz it is disappointing as it ruins the game. Cheers for spotting it too.
  5. Andrew I also discovred the same thing :o After completing the team training the fixed wing training then showed as completed. Must be a slight bug. Thanks for spotting it and it's good to know others experience same issues as me. enjoy the game.
  6. Hi all, This maybe a possible bug but I'd like to ask if anyone knows about this problem I have had in the boot camp area. I have completed the FIXED WING / VTOL training but it shows in the list as uncompleted. I experienced a similar issue in the demo with the basic training, although it had been completed it did the same. Anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know a fix for it? I have completed the FIXED WING training twice now, doing different things so if nothing else I'm getting plenty of practice. I have uploaded a pic here : http://www.flickr.com/photos/davidjcornwell/3731812931/ Thanks, Dave.