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Everything posted by Ozihcs

  1. Are there any aim assists when operating the zeus as a gunner? Hitting all three bombers in Coltan Blues is pretty hard, especially as the cannon only fires about 20 rounds before pausing for a couple of seconds.
  2. Ozihcs

    Aiming the zsu

    Sure; and you can carry two rockets at once; the fast movers arrive with ~10s interval, so you have time to reload but not fetch new ammo inbetween. The easiest way to complete the mission is probably to load up with two rockets, and then man the ZSU. If you manage to hit the first jet you can then exit the ZSU and get the last two using the heatseekers. However, manning the ZSU is made harder by the bug which prevents you from using the action menu with a launcher equipped. (I did get past the mission incidentally).
  3. Ozihcs

    Aiming the zsu

    I once got all three, but unfortunately one of them got far enough down the valley for my character to complain "damn it got past me" - so even though I got it before it dropped its load, I got a fail on the mission :j:
  4. Ozihcs

    The UAV mission

    (assuming this is mission 3) This one had me stumped for a while too. What you need to do is to use the camera in the UAV to recon those three sites marked on the map. You do not need to lase any targets in this mission, but you do need to keep the camera aimed at the potential site long enough for a complete recon. (also, please bear with me if I am explaining the obvious here :) ) When in the UAV, open up the map screen and click on a suspected site. This will set up a holding pattern for the UAV centered on that location. Once the UAV is circling that site, use the compass heading and map to determine the rough direction of that site, and move your camera around until you are watching that area. Keep the camera pointed - your character will eventually either conclude that this was not the site, or you'll get a confirmed location.
  5. I think you are spot on there. ArmA 2 is a simulator, and sims are by nature much more complex than other games. In fact, the problems we are having is typical of the simulation genre - the enormity of the task makes it almost impossible to pull it off 100%. One of the greatest sims ever made, by (possibly) the greatest simulator programming house - Falcon 4 from Microprose - was so bugridden and performed so badly on the hardware of the day that is was nearly unplayable. People are still modding and fixing it - 11 years after its release. You might even argue that Falcon 4 was the straw which broke Microproses back - they spent so much time and resources developing it that they went bankrupt afterwards. And they did release a couple of patches, but the game was still only marginally playable. What happened in the case of F4 was that the source code of the game leaked out, and was picked up by the flight sim community and refined over a period of many many years, and in the end the game became a fantastic war- and flight simulator. It is still the benchmark for all dynamic campaign engines, and imho still reigns as the supreme example of what a simulator should be like. Okay, now unlike Microprose, Bohemia are still very much alive. And I suspect that they are well aware of the state of their product - although perhaps a bit surprised by the number of problems are having with their campaign. I choose to think that this was an honest mistake and not a calculated move on their part. There was never any chance whatsoever that a game such as this would be released bug free. It never will be - it's too complex. But I definitely feel that BIs first and foremost priority should be to fix the showstopper bugs in the campaign ASAP. I have also noticed that while most reviews mention that there are big problems with the campaign, they still give good scores in the end. To me this suggests that many reviewers recognize the complexity involved in making a simulator, and are prepared to let BI work out these problems over time. Hardcore simulator games are few and far between these days, and any software house still willing to invest the massive time and effort required to build a new one deserve all the encouragement they can get - otherwise the genre will die completely. So, I am not trying to say that it's okay that these problems are going on - it isn't. Some of the bugs I've encountered myself are so glaringly obvious that I am frankly surprised that they weren't fixed before the international release. But what I _am_ saying is that this is a game of massive scope and complexity, and Bohemia Interactive is a small independent studio with very real monetary limitations. I am confident that they will fix most of the major issues eventually, I completely understand that people are upset with the current state of affairs, but I also want to warn you that if we the community are too hostile towards those few players left in the simulation genre they may eventually decide to pack it up and head for greener pastures. There is more money in one half-baked (and massively bug-ridden) movie tie-in than in 10 ArmA games..
  6. Hello all, as subject says I am having some problems completing badlands. After capturing all four villages and completing both the missions I get the endmission trigger but instead of a conversation between the leaders of the two factions I am stuck in place with the CDF leader simply standing there, and the NAPA leader dead on the ground. I suspect that at some point during the mission, the NAPA leader got killed. And this presumably stops the conversation from proceeding normally so that the mission can end. I did try the endmission cheat but since the necessary parameters have not been set at the end of the badlands mission, this causes NAPA to break the alliance immediately, and I am stuck in a now enemy camp and get gunned down immediately. If I could resurrect the NAPA leader in the previous savegame I am thinking that I might be able to complete the mission normally. But obviously that requires some knowledge of how the savegames store the state of that particular entity. Since the badlands mission is quite time-consuming to complete by normal means, I also did a playthrough in an edited version where I start out with an M1 (using the mission editor and the extracted campaign mission file). This allowed me to blow through the mission in 1hr20m but unfortunately it seems that missions played from the editor are flagged as "usermissions" and cannot be used to progress in the campaign. I did a quick attempt at copy-pasting some metadata from a campaign savegame into my "editor" savegame, but that merely lead to an out of memory error when ArmA 2 tried to load it :rolleyes: Anyway; If anyone has knowledge of the savegame format I'd appreciate any pointers towards either fixing my proper campaign saves, or integrating a user mission savegame into the campaign.