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About ikkeii

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. ikkeii

    Formal Complaint

    BIS has a tight group of hardcore fans, mostly modders, and they stick up for them when someone has something bad to say about them. Do not expect to get any support or sympathy when you are criticising BIS games (In this case Arma2). I have sought help with many bugs in these forums only to find myself meeting people that have similar feelings/problems, that then grew into a great frustration which then started to attract attention of the loyalists. Which is fine and I respect that, I understand BIS is small time trying to get their heads above water in a big boys industry, what I would like is a bit more voice on an official level letting us know whats happening. Instead I think they are too busy getting the console versions out rather than fixing the PC version.
  2. Since I installed a 3G Mobile Broadband thumb drive and associated software it has broken Arma 2. I can no longer open the game up via the .exe and when bringing up the Autoplay on the DVD it only asks to install the game even though it is installed. I am going to try uninstalling the thumb drive and software.....
  3. ikkeii

    trouble please help..

    You'll need to wait for the next patch to come out before you play the game, otherwise you will be disappointed..... Like me.... *Runs away sulking*
  4. ikkeii

    ARMA 2: Merchandise. For Sale?

    HAHA Id get one of those too.
  5. Now I never said I didnt love the game. I do. its great. but its too buggy. So I hate to love it. On another note: They obviously have a lot of die hard fans, what these loyals have in common is that they are all modders/editers. They enjoy this game because its a good game to mod etc For new customers like myself, who isnt a modder, less than impressed with the bugs in this game. I want to be able to play it now but I have to wait until all the bugs are fixed and I learn how to edit/mod.
  6. Does that switch them over to that team? Or does it just have them following another team but still apart of mine.
  7. I was going to try and finish this mission despite the glitches....but now I wont even bother.
  8. Read the forums mate. Quite a few people saying that they will be returning the game. Sales figures do not represent returned product.
  9. Thats the bug I am reporting. If you cant construct Helicopters you shouldnt be able to build the damn factory. Are you able to repair your vehicles?
  10. ikkeii

    Patch 1.02 Stability Survey

    HAHAHA....EJECT and your PC trys to spit your harddrive out.
  11. ikkeii

    ARMA 2: Merchandise. For Sale?

    If they sell dodgy games I can only imagine what he merchandise would be like. A Zippo that cant be refueled or repaired.
  12. Im a first timer to Arma...and BIS. After reading multiple posts about there being the same bugs in every other game released has made me realise three things: 1/ that the issues I report wont get fixed. 2/ There is no quality control with this company. 3/ Unless something changes within BIS (Restructure and/or Quality Control introduced) the company will eventually fail because they are rapidily losing customers.
  13. ikkeii

    Automatic Brightness / NV Problems

    I will also comment on NVG. During the bitterchill mission, at night with NVG. Trying to zoom in your view the screen would blacken so that you can not see anything, it appears this was due to the stars in the night sky?
  14. Seems to be a known error with the "Call Support" function to HQ. Medic, Ambulance, Repair/Rearm/Refuel trucks....the whole lot. You should also be getting an audio error....config.male03 something. The campaign was slapped together by some pre school student the night before his/her assignment was due. (Lets see if that stirs up some official response?)
  15. ikkeii

    aircraft in warfare

    I dont think you can buy aircraft within the campaign. Maybe in a later mission? I know you need an airfield (which can not be built). How did you buy a helicopter? I have built the factory in the badlands mission but it wont let me buy/build choppers! See.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80773