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About Vylker

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Vylker

    What is going on? No CTI servers??

    I ll take a look, thank you!!!! :)
  2. Vylker

    Arma 3 MP, Is it Worth it?

    Arma 3 should have some CTI servers running for ppl, this wasteland is getting on my nerves...
  3. Vylker

    Your impression of a real Wasteland server

    I prefer the CTI
  4. Why everyone is playing Coop and Wasteland???:(:(:( Where are all those CTI beloved servers??? Iam European and I cant find anyone!!!
  5. Hmm, well ok, we could use then some lazer shield :yay: :j:
  6. Vylker

    Real face textures..

    Thanks, could someone explain with details how could this be?
  7. Personally, I find "profile" options very poor, an idea is ,a patch by Bohemia's side or a mod by the community site, with options to allow your personal photo as a face texture, I think some games used that at the past and was so cool ( its easy also ). Especially in Arma2 I think that would be awesome! So, what do you think? Shall they bring it on for Arma2?
  8. +1 for flares and missile alerts
  9. Vylker

    Ranking system, why not?

    Well.. I must admit that I'am disappointed, lol.. ok I would propably go to make some medals to cheer my achievements alone I would like to conclude saying that it is not so important to me also, it just would make a little bit more spicy your game progress, anyway Iam sure now that I will not have any medals to play, thank you all for posting!;)
  10. Vylker

    Ranking system, why not?

    Do you think that maybe we could make "Sticky" this post to find out? xD xD xD
  11. Vylker

    Ranking system, why not?

    Thanks! I tried to merge it but I failed.. Btw, do you think that we could have an official state about a possible "ranking" system?
  12. Vylker

    Ranking system, why not?

    Guys, we dont have to choose between you know.., we could have them both
  13. Vylker

    Ranking system, why not?

    Hi, apologies that I have to open a new post for this but Iam really curious about this issue, I would like to see what is the opinion of the community about a possible ranks system. So, please vote!
  14. Vylker

    Ranking system, why not?

    Master Gamawa I see what your point, in fact I ve never played such games, but no, I dont think that '80 games have any relation to this "reward" that Iam talking about. Anyway, player thoughts are just thoughts, I would really love to hear what Bohemia have to say about ranking.
  15. Vylker

    Ranking system, why not?

    I understand your meanings, and thanks for all the replies, are respectfull. The fact is that -I really believe- that everyone needs a "reward" for his efforts, beside the win, my exact point was not my "hunger" to achieve a 10.000 kills, or turn this game to a CS but my "hunger" for ranking, to show that I am experienced in the game,that Iam not a newbie that easily could crush a fully loaded chopper and that Iam not the one who makes the 30 friendly kills each round, I hope you get my point. Beside that, a realistic title like Arma 2, ( let me show my sympathy here, congrats to the team, you ve made a very enjoyable War sim. ) but soldiers should have !!!ranks!!! as in real war, as example, why would a newbie jump on a tank and "destroy" it at the next 10 min? ( and no thanks, I dont wanna play only Evolution ). About the medallions now, will you get sad or something if you could get a medal after 10 tank killings? I dont think so.., its a nice feeling. To conclude, I think that ranking would be an AWESOME detail to this game and they should deffinetely consider it.