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Everything posted by Juanmiguel

  1. Juanmiguel


    Hi, sorry n00b question here, where exactly do I put the .pbo file? I've added it to the install folder /missions, /MPMissions and at user documents /missions but it doesn't show up in the single player missions menu. Thanks,
  2. LoL I don't play other games like BF2142 that much anymore because they are full of cheater players with aimbots that detect and kill you from very far away distances and now I come to this new game to find out that the AI does pretty much the same :D
  3. Juanmiguel

    ArmA 2 - Server Ban List - ?

    type userlist then press insert or what ever key you have assigned to input text and then page up.
  4. Juanmiguel

    ArmA 2 - Server Ban List - ?

    Does anyone know if the ban is based on IP address or license key rather than the username? Because we had this tard the other night doing mass TK at base who kept disconnecting and re-connecting with a different username before we could vote him out and apparently no admins were online. We voted to create an admin, but still we couldn't get him out.
  5. Juanmiguel

    Why are we asked to assume roles in MP?

    I like to play sniper and sometimes there are no sniper spots left. Does anyone know if I can create an additional slot or do I have to pick anything else that's left?
  6. Seen it in domination too more than once. I'll ask if someone else sees it too next time.
  7. Juanmiguel

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    I mostly noticed improvements in permofrmance and network lag in multi-player mode. I agree with other people here that AI needs more work. Current issues that I have with AI: Campaign - My squad always has problems boarding any type of transport. Atleast one responds "negative" when I issue the order and sometimes they want to board on taken seats. They get run over by the Heli a lot too.... LoL When I call in a Heli pick up, half the time the Heli pilot confirms pick up, but never shows up. He also never lands at the marked area that I've picked up which is clear of buildings and trees. He picks up a different spot always and in some cases this place happens to be surrounded by buildings or trees and crashes. I've had to restart razor two many many times because of this. Multiplayer - Same as most people here, AI detects me a mile away with the sniper camouflage behind heavy foliage after I fire my first shot. All AI's start shooting at my exact location with very high accuracy even with heavy weaponry like machine guns or tanks, they one-shot me over 600-700 meters away.
  8. Juanmiguel

    Big Video Bug with 9800GTX+

    my setup: ELSA 9800GTX+ 512mb AMD Phenom 9950 2 gb RAM 1066 vista 64 ultimate single 250 gb SATA drive I'm using the 186 driver version from nvidia and I really don't have any major bugs. I played around with the settings but I don't really see that much difference in quality from medium to high or very high in most settings. After a few hours of testing I ended up setting it back to default settings, I just changed the interface and 3d resolution both to 1280 x 720. The only bug I've seen was last night on a MP game, when I moved the camera around the whole city appeared to be up in flames, but they dissapeared when I moved it again. I get over 30 FPS on average but it also drops when in cities. Luckily I haven't had crashes either.