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About Flat4ej20

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    Private First Class
  1. I found a problem with food/water system. DZS v1.30 beta. DZS has always had issues with vehicles spawning 1/2 under map or in the air. No problem, just shoot vehicles & they return to ground level. Here is the problem with food/water system: Food bag's spawn under map where no one can see them, or there is not enough food bag's on map causing you to die of starvation due to unable find food bag's, Anyhow, thanks for this great random mission.
  2. Good day, i have been running a dedicated server "jestservers" for 2 months & found few issues. Arma 2 CO latest version "not beta version" & DZS v1.25. 1: JIP markers for side missions when set to exact location or general location do not show on map. 2: [R3F] artillary & logistics script starts to lag after 45 minutes. Average wait time to see option to tow/lift/move/unload ect. 1~2 minutes. Temp. fix is player logs out/in every 45 minutes. Never mind on JIP markers. Just try'd fresh download DZS v1.25 and all is good.
  3. damys, is this on dedicated server or you hosting? I have a dedicated server running DZS and never had "all zombies are freeze" issue. Release notes say food/water not working & to disable it for know. Keyboard button is tilde ~ IDK if this is ok to post here, but server name is (CDC) center for disease control and prevention.
  4. Flat4ej20

    Game freezes then drops to desktop?

    I also have this issue, screen turns black followed by automatic kick to desketop. Can hear game in background. If i hold left shift and num - type flush brings game back, but this is not a permanent fix cause it will result in an aircraft without a pilot for x amount of time. I searched forums, tryed all suggestions from 2009 to current. No mods, Arma2 + Arma2 OA box dvd version official patch 1.62 with all 3 lite version DLC's Things i try'd: 1: disable the Aero theme 2: unplug all but 1 monitor 3: ingame video memory settings default "try'd them all" 4: delete config. file 5: stress test gpu & complete pc while monitoring temps. 6: rename arma profile 7:http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters 8:display resolutions During my google search i found this interesting statement: quote/ "Its obvious Arma has some serious issues when it comes to VRAM and RAM management and efficiency. Oh well, luckily the knowledge source out there is smart enough and large enough to come up with fixes to 95% of its issues! This is my config. file, any recommendations? language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; Note :this is not my native resolution, just a test at 1080. Native is 1200 refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=2129154048; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=0; AToC=7; PPAA=3; PPAA_Level=2; Windowed=0
  5. GPU-Z is showing Bus Interface PCI-E 1.1x16. Your HD6770 1GB is PCI-E 2.1x16. This may be the cause of your issues. I know your card is backwards compatible with bus interface, but it all depends on your motherboard. Check if there is a bios update for motherboard. Is this your motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128059. Sounds like you have got a hardware compatibility issue. I'd suggest geting a newer motherboard. And please don't post silly things like "all my other games work fine".
  6. ban.txt is in this folder: user/documents/ArmA2 profiles/"insert name here".
  7. Flat4ej20

    ArmA 2 DDR3 1066 & 1333 benchmarks

    Welcome 2 Arma, this is not a linear game. Please run benchmark 63 times and report findings.
  8. I found this with the search tool. Should help with your question about trigger height. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100961-set-height-of-trigger&highlight=set+height+trigger
  9. Flat4ej20

    Raid 0 SSD's and Arma

    Just a fyi, last time I check'd. If you use sdd's in a raid array (raid 0) there is no trim support. If your not sure what trim support is I highly recommend reading up on it.
  10. Has anyone tryed dynamic zombie sandbox A2 version .90 A2/A2F with arma2 patch 1.11 on Chernarus. I only see tasks. No zombies, vehicles, time of day, weather effects, etc. Seems like nothing is spawning on the map. I tryed launching only Arma2 & Arma2 CO. Also tryed using CBA. I enabled debug mode in parameters & there is nothing populating on the map. NOTE: I am not using any mods. I only try'd CBA to see if that would fix my issue. Arma2 CO version .90CO dynamic zombie sandbox with arma2 CO patch 1.60 launching game as Arma2CO works fine.
  11. Thanks for everyone's help. I have came up with this script which spawn's different aircrafts depending on which one I select & spawns at predetermined hieght and marker location. _type = (_this select 3) select 0; _vec = _type createVehicle (Spawn_Aircraft modelToWorld [0,0,0]); _vec setPosASL [getPosASL Spawn_Aircraft select 0, (getPosASL Spawn_Aircraft select 1),(getPosASL Spawn_Aircraft select 2)+10]; AllVecsSpawned = AllVecsSpawned + [_vec]; publicVariable "AllVecsSpawned"; With out everyone's help I would still be scratching my head.
  12. _vec = _type createVehicle [(getMarkerPos "Spawn_Aircraft") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Spawn_Aircraft") select 1, 15.9]; This spawns vehicles at ground level. I was trying to spawn vehicles at marker location with a predetermined height of 15.9. You got another idea I can try plz.
  13. Hi, hate to high jack your post. I also have a createVehicle issue, but trying to setHeight of spawned vehicles. The code below works great to spawn vehicles at ground level at marker. init.sqf WaitUntil{not isNull player}; _air = player addAction ["Spawn: I44_Plane_A_C47A_AAF","Spawn_Vec.sqf",["I44_Plane_A_C47A_AAF"],5,false,true,"","player in list SpawnVehicleArea"]; _air1 = player addAction ["Spawn: I44_Plane_A_P51D_HVAR_AAF","Spawn_Vec.sqf",["I44_Plane_A_P51D_HVAR_AAF"],5,false,true,"","player in list SpawnVehicleArea"]; _air2 = player addAction ["Spawn: I44_Plane_A_P51D_250lb_AAF","Spawn_Vec.sqf",["I44_Plane_A_P51D_250lb_AAF"],5,false,true,"","player in list SpawnVehicleArea"]; _air3 = player addAction ["Spawn: I44_Plane_A_P51D_AAF","Spawn_Vec.sqf",["I44_Plane_A_P51D_AAF"],5,false,true,"","player in list SpawnVehicleArea"]; _air4 = player addAction ["Spawn: I44_Plane_A_P38_HVAR_AAF","Spawn_Vec.sqf",["I44_Plane_A_P38_HVAR_AAF"],5,false,true,"","player in list SpawnVehicleArea"]; _air5 = player addAction ["Spawn: I44_Plane_A_P38_M64_AAF","Spawn_Vec.sqf",["I44_Plane_A_P38_M64_AAF"],5,false,true,"","player in list SpawnVehicleArea"]; _air6 = player addAction ["Spawn: I44_Plane_A_P38_AAF","Spawn_Vec.sqf",["I44_Plane_A_P38_AAF"],5,false,true,"","player in list SpawnVehicleArea"]; Spawn_Vec.sqf _type = (_this select 3) select 0; _vec = _type createVehicle (getMarkerPos "Spawn_Aircraft"); _vec setDir 150; AllVecsSpawned = AllVecsSpawned + [_vec]; publicVariable "AllVecsSpawned"; I changed _vec = _type createVehicle (getMarkerPos "Spawn_Aircraft"); to _vec = _type createVehicle ["_vec", [(getMarkerPos "Spawn_Aircraft") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Spawn_Aircraft") select 1, 15.9]]; but get a script error. Error type string, expected number line 2. Can someone plz help thanks. ---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ---------- Forgot to tell ya, I have gamelogic in editor named AllVecsSpawned=[] and a trigger activated by BLUFOR named SpawnVehicleArea.
  14. Hey ya. Latest game patch performs alot better than demo. I find OC'ing CPU helps with FPS when alot of AI in mission & having game on its own SSD drive helps with stutter/LOD trashing. As far as crossfire, I had 2 Radeon 4890's. This game &/or GPU software is not worth crossfire. With my rig, catalyst version 11.2, game version 1.59/1.09. I ran 2 different benchmark settings. 1st run @ 1920X1200 everything high, except video memory set to veryhigh, visibility 3027. E08:benchmark 67 FPS & Benchmark 01:Arma2 58 FPS. 2nd run @ 1920x1200 everything very high, visibility 3027. E08:Benchmark 38 FPS & Benchmark 01:Arma2 36 FPS.
  15. Good day all. Can someone help me(newbie) convert this briefing. sqf & init. sqf to multiplayer. I am hosting & playing on same computer(not dedicated). I read OFPEC MP tutorial & searched this forum for days, but still can not figure it out. I try'd few differnet init. sqf codes, still no good. init.sqf execvm "briefing.sqf"; briefing.sqf player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Intel We have 2 objectives", "Destroy a convoy<marker name=mkrObj1'>here!!!</marker>departing at 16:30 from Khushab village before they reach a supply depot<marker name='mkrHazarDarakht'>here!!!</marker>at Hazar Darakht.<br/>This will stop further weapons distribution.<br/>After convoy destroyed make your way to<marker name='mkrObj2'>here!!!</marker>Khushab Village were we need to elminate all Takistani militant]]; waitUntil { !isnull player }; waitUntil { player == player }; //objective 2 tskObj_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Khushab"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Khushab village sweep", "Khushab", "Eliminate all Takistani militant"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj2"); player setCurrentTask tskObj_2; tskObj_2 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; tskObj_2 setTaskState "FAILED"; tskObj_2 setTaskState "CANCELED"; tskObj_2 setTaskState "CREATED"; taskState tskObj_2; taskDescription tskObj_2; [tskObj_2] call mk_fTaskHint; //objective 1 tskObj_1 = player createSimpleTask ["convoy"]; tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy convoy", "convoy", "Destroy convoy"]; tskObj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1"); player setCurrentTask tskObj_1; tskObj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; tskObj_1 setTaskState "FAILED"; tskObj_1 setTaskState "CANCELED"; tskObj_1 setTaskState "CREATED"; taskState tskObj_1; taskDescription tskObj_1; [tskObj_1] call mk_fTaskHint;