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About EasyAce

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  1. I've been trying to take the first town for hours. It seems impossible. I came realy close the last time, that was when only Razor team was left. We entered the town and suddenly 4 new cars showed up! You can guess the outcome. I take it from the beginning. I start with 23 guys. 3 of them takes one car. I try to tell them where to go but they just head straight for the town. The one car always gets blown up pretty fast. I've tried to send it in first, I tried to send it in at the same time and even later in the battle. It always get blown up. The two infantry squads moves like a bunch of my grandpa's across the field. Even when nobody shoots at them, they go prone every 1 meter. So basicly, we all move as fast as wheelchairs across a muddy plain, but without wheels. We can't hit anything. We like to be targets. And the enemy have 5-16 cars to attack with versus me who got one. (I cant get the people to mount the other cars). My question is simple. How is it possible to take the first town?
  2. I am also trying to find the answer on this question... :j: