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About AndrewCZ

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. AndrewCZ

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Are you sure you have the TrackIR support enabled (configure controls/controllers/TrackIR) ? It's disabled by default. I'm using TIR5 with latest software (5.0b) and both release and beta versions of Arrowhead work fine.
  2. Worked fine for me as well, new functions in OA (switch optics, range adjustments etc) are mapped to their default keys when OA first loads - you may need to remap them if your A2 profile used these keys.
  3. Scuds have a minimum range of 50 kilometers, that's why you can't use them as artillery. They're still pretty useful for all the "prevent the launch" or "make sure the infidels burn in nuclear fire" scenarios :)
  4. Patch 1.05 also removed the DVD check, so now you only need the disc for installing the game.
  5. AndrewCZ

    Patch 1.03

    It seems to work, in-mission saves should be the only problem.
  6. The signs are in Russian. ArmA2 uses Czech instead of "spoken Chernarussian" and Russian instead of "written Chernarussian". And yes, being able to translate the signs could prove really useful (option in the action menu, or perhaps a default "do nothing" action with the translated text as the name). If not now, if they ever make an Afghanistan-themed expansion, nearly everyone's gonna need it :)
  7. AndrewCZ

    G36, red-dot not in use

    Having multiple sights per weapon would indeed be nice. It's not just the G36, same thing should be possible with an ACOG (they're mounted in a way so you can still use the ironsights). You'd switch it using the menu (just as you switch ammo types now), or using a shortcut key (has to be added).
  8. Can we have these 2 functions swapped in the next patch (so selecting teams is directly under Team in command menu, while assigning them is one level deeper) ? It's quite a good practice to make the most frequently used functions the easiest to access. Another nice feature would be if the command to show advanced menu (backspace) was bindable to other controls as well (mouse buttons etc.) - even better if there were 2 versions of this command, one working as it is now (doesn't select units, perfect for voice command) and one that selects units as well the same way SPACE does (better if you command with mouse & keyboard).
  9. Getting evacuated back to the carrier would be quite a good starting point for the warfare missions, this time on USMC side (allied with CDF).
  10. AndrewCZ

    Automatic Brightness / NV Problems

    Definitely should be fixed, whenever you use your NVGs, instrument backlight/brightness should lower so it doesn't interfere with your outside vision. You have to use a switch for that IRL, could be automatic here.
  11. AndrewCZ

    hidden single missions

    Just a guess... templates for the "My Missions" wizard ?