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Posts posted by NacroxNicke

  1. Yeah, so, every people that start to work in USA gets the knowledge of geography in their work, even a mechanic that lives in Texas.

    So the collegue is totally unuseful, as we all learn in our works how the world was done.

    Please don't think that because you learnt where was Iraq and Afghanistan, all the people of your country of the same age will know the same as you.

  2. It's because of the grass, for what I remember.

    It had some collision mlods that made the shooting from the AI collide with the grass

    hi VBCI, i did, its nice but its gigantic, and its not scripted. i'm looking for something of that kind, but smaller. How does the russian army do it? they surely don't send those big ones when they attack a port or a small beach or something. maybe just a small landing craft? thx!

    I think that they just send BMP's when they have some air superiority in the AO

  3. I have been done some test with penetration values but I can't find some logic into the scripts by Jean Christophe at the armour values.

    By far, I think that the Tiger/Panther armour is too thick, or the soviet cannons are underpowered, because the 85mm of the T34 can't penetrate the sides and back of a Tiger/Panther even at point black range

    Same happens when using the T34/76 at the back of a Tiger/Panther, and taking in account that the AI itself aim's at the turret of the tank and not to the body of it (it don't recognizes weak aimpoints like an human could do)

    Interestingly though, the SU-85 (however, with a little of lucky, sometimes you need 3 hits at the back part to knock out one) have better penetration on a Tiger/Panther using the same cannon that the T34/85 uses (The D5T)

    I know that it's somewhat detallistic, but the Panthers/Tigers feel a little too powerfull in the current status, and can only be killed by an IS-2 (it's very well done in armour/penetration values of the mod by the way), and I'm not complaining or demanding something, I was just saying, maybe I will try to fix it in someway from JC_panzer4_cfg.pbo.

  4. That's because in the mission you scored less than the required for a normal playthrough (like going out of formation, firing at team members, or don't firing when they assigned you a target)

    Anyway you are just starting so I would recomend to start again or restart from a specific mission like Alert, Combined Arms or Flashpoint.

  5. ... And that's why using concrete years for a fictional scenario is a wrong thing to do

    I see your point, but the plan of the mod is to reflect the forces post-85 in a total war status, not to reflect the forces that were available at first january of the 1985. Even the '85 is to reflect the Operation Flashpoint-era scenario.

    Furthermost, I really don't think that Thunderbird will come back to fix those realistic issues

  6. Well, the difference between the first and second M4, is that one is the SOPMOD version of the acog, and the other is a M4 with an acog.

    From what i remember, LSR_USWP had both, so search for the SOPMOD type of the M4 and use that model.

    I used PBOX before, but it's a little buggy with some versions of .pbo
