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Posts posted by NacroxNicke

  1. Just for the folks that doesn't know about the overhaul mods of SoC, Complete edition is like a graphical overhaul, but with minimal gameplay changes (it's more a bugfix than gameplay changes), also it's good to get the original feel of the game.

    LURK is another mod that changes the gameplay and the gun statistics (and also adds some), the HUD, etc, so it becomes more tense at times, and also it has a graphical overhaul oriented in a very different way than the Complete edition (I tried both).

    Then there is Oblivion Lost, a mod that adds a ludicrous amount of weapons and changes, it's good but you should play it after playing vanilla, or Complete, or LURK. I recommend those three if you are looking for a change.

  2. I only have played Stalker SoC with the mod LURK 1.1. It was awesome, more fun than the complete mod version it seem, firefights were more intense and difficult, cqb was spectacular

    I also played Fallout 3 with FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition and 20th century weapons modified for it, it was very difficult too, almost impossible on some parts without proper equipment (mostly because you couldn't find proper ammo for your gun using 20th century weapons in the first part of the game). If you haven't played Fallout 3, and want to try it, I strongly recommend both those mods (and a par more, in Nexus you can get a good guide of what mods are good), since it becomes more survival than vanilla Fallout 3 (which was far easier)

  3. Honestly i think RO2 isn't that bad nowadays, the thing is that they keep thinking on making Action mode servers and publicy them as normal gameplay from the game. Obviously Action sucks and most of the players just play that at first.

    I have been playing on some Classic servers from some time, and I have had some good time in some firefights, it feels closer to a "Realistic" gameplay to me.

  4. Yes, there is a fine difference between lethal radius and kill radius, anyhow I haven't been succesfull on making the AI use OG-7 against infantry, and the scripting route is too performance heavy since this can be made with the config itself. Are there plans to make OG-7 lock-eable to infantry by the AI?

  5. If my server runs the addon version, but for a mission I need to change some vars (for example, minskill when suppressed), how I can change them but just for the specific mission without editing the server itself?

    I tried putting tpwcas_minskill = 0.5; in the init.sqf but it doesn't change in the RPT file, so maybe it's changed but not reported in the debug? I don't know :D


  6. You test it on the editor, it works, you test it on multiplayer, it goes fubar

    Even if your AI set up is the most awesome one in the editor, on multiplayer it will go fubar again.

    An AI looking at a window in the editor will be killed from behind in Multiplayer.

    An AI looking at a door will stare at a wall instantly if you test it in multiplayer.

    The AI doesn't like multiplayer.

  7. A easy solution is lower fov for ironsights and eagle eye.

    However, bio-realism guys have already show how the current fov is the most "realistic" setting for long range firefight.

    Anyway, I remember that OFP (0.35) had less fov than ArmA 2 (0.25?) and mods like WGL had even less fov (0.42). They really make long range firefight more difficult, but they tend to be too weird when you are used to the eagle view setting.

  8. IMHO the best armor penetration system is hands down in Combat Mission games.

    Yes, it's very sophisticated (It even used the quality of the plates in relation of the year when playing the battle to see if the plate will be more sophisticated or not), however it's difficult to implement on a direct game like ARMA 3

    The angle of armor or attack is neglected by the caliber of the gun in relation of the armor thickness plate, so it's totally different to the WW2 games and even more to the MOW:AS system. Why? Because newer guns fire more faster, and with more caliber, and with more sophisticated rounds (compare an APDS round of WW2, with an APFSDS of an abrams), heck, even most of the damage is done not because of the shot penetrating itself, but because of the sharpnel blowing up stuff inside the tank itself, the plates don't win by being more thick as in WW2, the armor works because it uses more techniques to disperse the kinetic force (and without using round armor or angle in the plates).

    And, as locational damage, I think that was present even in OFP days, the game itself adds HP to every zone, so the thing of "Wait to the tank to advance and fire in the back!!" is more related to the config of the game rather than doing a really "scripted-heavy" system. (remember the dumbing down turret of OFP days?, just a bad example of it, even CAVS made progression towards it and that was a lot of years ago)

    So, what it's need is just a system that can actually feel like it is a good simulation of what a tank is, some suspension of disbelief has to be made, maybe something middleterm with emphasis on the calibers, ammo types, and stuff, I think some changes needs to be made before though, like the tanks spinning on their axis when used by the AI, or the incredible easy turns that tanks can make in the wheels on difficult terrain, etc.

  9. Modern tank penetrations aren't calculated in the same way as WW2 war armor plates with angles n' stuff.

    I think a better locational damage system would be better in this case, as going full realism on modern tanks would potentially make for problems at the stability of the game itself on larger scale battles. Most games that tries to modelate modern tanks just make a statistic database from real life "results" and then they interpolate them to the game, and that works good enough to player needs. Like a check for "Has penetrated?" - "Yes" - "Try dice d20 for different effects based on percentage"
