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About Nikov

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  1. Norrin, this will likely require your hands-on help. I am attempting to create a mission featuring three sides; guerillas, civilians, and east. Each one of these sides needs seperate respawn positions. Currently I have four respawn positions across my map at four seperate towns for the civilians, four seperate camps for the guerillas, and four bunker complexes for the eastern army. In order to facilitate each side having unique spawn points, I used the recommended method of having a respawn_init_guer.sqf, respawn_init_civ.sqf, and respawn_init_east.sqf, all called for in the init.sqf. This appears to work perfectly for the respawn points. Every player is given his side's respawn positions as optional spawns at start. There are twelve spawn points total functioning on the map right now. The problem is that nobody is respawning after death or able to be revived. Although I'm defining soldierEB as 'can revive' and 'able to revive', East troops aren't reviving others. Furthermore any spectator script intended to operate isn't; all that is displayed is a butterfly hovering over the dead player's hip pack. The truely puzzling part is that in tests players will suffer bleeding effects and be able to use bandages! When everything is functioning, the East forces should prevent Guerilla spawning at their respawn points, Guerillas should prevent East spawning at all but the Railhead, Civilians should affect no spawn points, spectating should be disabled while unconcious but not when all lives are lost, and every player should be able to revive every other player. And drag. That POW camp is there for a reason. I'm working with the Tactical Gamer community and none of us have been able to figure this out; in fact, I'm probably the most advanced in understanding how it works, even though I can't get it to work completely. Their consensus is that I should ask for your help, and after three days I agree. If there are any particular files you need to see pastebinned I'll be happy to send them, otherwise consider this a request for a personal editing. You'll be in the credits, of course. This script gives this mission a win condition and the players motivation.