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Everything posted by 2nd47

  1. I'm not very experienced with scripting and am trying to respawn players as a sort of scout class and replace their default loadout with this one. I've tried the following but it doesn't seem to work. I've made onPlayerRespawn.sqf and set this inside of it "_this execVM "spawn.sqf";". Then in the spawn.sqf I've done a if (_this playerside == west) then {removeallweapons this; this addweapon "m16a2GL"; this addmagazine "flarered_m203"}; to give the players flares and a rifle. When I tried it out myself I still respawned with the regular loadout of M4 and whatnot. If anyone could help me out with this it would be much appreciated.
  2. I've come across another issue I'm having and I'm wondering if it's possible and if so how would I go about changing a player's side and team slot upon death. By this I mean: Blufor1 gets killed by Opfor1 dies, he then automatically switches teams and becomes Opfor3 and spawns as that. If this is possible it would be much appreciated if you would help me out, thanks.
  3. I'm understanding what you mean but I have no clue how to implement it into what I have now.
  4. I need a way to pre-assign certain units to certain groups. The reason I can't use an already spawned unit and it's respawn script is because I need the event to occur when one trigger is satisfied and the other is not. Let's say I create two "USMC_Soldier" in the west side of town, and two more on the east side of town. I need the first two to join "group1" and the others to join "group2", though I cannot make them create the group through the createUnit command. Thus I need another command to do this, but I cannot set variable names to the units through the createUnit amount either so I find myself in a bind.
  5. For my new map everything was heading well until I hit a snag. I need to create soldiers and make them create their own group(s). Currently I am using the following code for a single unit, repeated for several units. "USMC_Soldier_GL" createunit [markerpos "c41_1", "nul = {this, 3, 10, cx41_1,wpcx41.sqf} execVM respawn_init.sqf"]; If anyone has any insight on this it would be much appreciated if they could help me out.