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Posts posted by pearson.william

  1. In all honesty, this mission would be really fun if it was more user friendly. Unfortunately, Bitter Chill and Delaying the Bear (the one after) seem to be filler missions to move the plot along. On a better note, if you take them in the right light they do a fantastic job of it and the next two missions so far are well worth the few hours spent cursing at the computer. :)

  2. Ya, from what I gather there are a few ways this mission goes down (unfortunately all of them are counter-intuitive and non involve reaching Electozavodsk).

    Spoiler: The first few ways i've never tried but, aparently, if you don't report Fyorder then NAPA forces arrive at the FOB and i think they take you off in a red hatchback and the rest of the mission is pretty linear. The second way I have. I reported the NAPA stash and so there was not much NAPA help once they arrived at the FOB so I called in the helicopter (even though they say not to). Shortly after we got shot down by a SAM and, agian, the rest of the mission unfolds pretty straight forward.

    Can someone tell me how to insert those cool spoiler tabs!? :)

  3. I've read through these forums about this mission and I don't think i've read the answer i'm looking for.

    Spoiler: I guess this is a spoiler? So, i clear the check point at the bottom of the FOB and meet NAPA at the top after the cinematic. I didn't help our Fyorder and i reported his stash so i'm not on the best terms w/ NAPA I guess. They begin to run south, south west and i follow them for about 4 miles untill we reach this house where they all stop and nothing happens...no car, no dialog, nothing. I tried for 5 hours yesterday to reach electrioahfidhabf but i met that invisible field o' death. Can anyone help? :)

    This game (simulation) is the BEST game i've ever played...if it wasn't for some blatant bugs. If you guys work out these development issues I have no doubt you could sweep the realistic FPS market away from everyone as an indy game producer. I'm not saying dumb the missions down per say becuase this game shouldn't appeal to casual gamers but it would be nice if you just took a little more time to work out triggers and stuff. Thanks -Will
