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Everything posted by fbbull

  1. you did it. Works fine. Thats HighSpeedDebugging :) Thx
  2. @ L etranger first off all very nice Mission! TXH for your work. If you try to load the mission with rksl-typhoon the generatingconfig.sqf stops working @ line 154 with _classname=configName(_c> Error position: <>1) ) then { _classname=configName(_c> Error >: Typ Zeichenfolge, erwartet Zahl Don´t know if you can fix it, but I would let you know this. Ceers and keep on working :)
  3. Even with 1.03 you can choose Mission Params. Look at RightDownCorner in MP Game Lobby :)
  4. HI if you use the CBA you can do this: [['Team Status', 'Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf', [['Page', 'Team'], 'AllowPlayerInvites', 'HideOpposition'], 0, false, true, 'teamSwitch',""]] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerAction; /* Function: CBA_fnc_addPlayerAction Description: Adds persistent action to player (which will also be available in vehicles and after respawn or teamswitch). Remove action with <CBA_fnc_removePlayerAction>. *Do not* use standard removeAction command with these player-action indices! Parameters: _actionArray - Array that defines the action, as used in addAction command [Array] Returns: Index of action if added. -1 if used on a dedicated server [Number] Example: (begin example) _actionIndex = [["Teleport", "teleport.sqf"]] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerAction; (end) Author: Sickboy */ #include "script_component.hpp" PARAMS_1(_actionArray); TRACE_1(_this); private "_return"; _return = if (isDedicated) then { WARNING("Function ran on a dedicated server. Function only usable on a client. Action: " + str _actionArray); -1; // Invalid action number. } else { _index = GVAR(nextActionIndex); [GVAR(actionList), _index, _actionArray] call CBA_fnc_hashSet; GVAR(actionListUpdated) = true; INC(GVAR(nextActionIndex)); _index; }; _return; CU
  5. removeaction 2 calls the 2'nd Addaction you made. If you use the ID variante you don't have to count all your Actions to remove the right one!! :)
  6. @froggyluv call your Addaction with : ID1 = player addAction ["Photograph", "cam2.sqs", [], 0, false,false,'teamSwitch',""]; ID2 = player addAction ["Action2", "Script2.sqs", [], 0, false, false, 'teamSwitch',""]; Syntax: Number = unitName addAction [title, filename, (arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition)] to remove : player removeaction ID1; so ID1 & ID2 are the Index of your Actions. CU
  7. Did you create a ACM Module with name "BIS_ACM1" ? thats the ModuleName you use in ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
  8. to call Reinforcement ["reinforce",true,player] call Bis_SOM_RequestSecOpFunc; goes to Triggeractivation. :)
  9. So here is what i did : _LogicCenter = createCenter sideLogic; _LogicGroup = createGroup _LogicCenter; BIS_ACM = _LogicGroup createUnit ["AmbientCombatManager", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""]; BIS_ACM synchronizeObjectsAdd [player]; sleep 5; [] spawn { waitUntil {!(isnil "BIS_fnc_init")}; sleep 5; [bIS_ACM, 200, 400] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; [0.2, 0.8, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; [0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; [["RU"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; [bIS_ACM, [ "RU_InfSquad", "RU_InfSection", "RU_InfSection_AT", "RU_InfSection_AA", "RU_InfSection_MG", "RU_SniperTeam", "RUS_ReconTeam", "MVD_AssaultTeam" ] ] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc; }; all you have todo is: - place a FunctionModule - place a player - copy the code to "Init.sqf" now the INIT will create a ACMModule, sync it to you an will start spawning only RU Inf Troops . Hope I could help you out!!! :)