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Everything posted by Dark-Light

  1. Dark-Light

    Is 1.03 worth downloading?

    I have the same problem, I believe it occurred in Op Flash ages ago with one of its patches.
  2. Dark-Light

    Game physics

    Damn straight. Should have learned from Flashpoint, then made a new engine without the limitations.
  3. Dark-Light

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    True, but I don't mind waiting if the end result is spectacular. Its been 8 years or so since Flashpoint, and what we have now is a slightly improved version of that engine - I just don't think theres much more they can squeeze out of it. I hope I am proven wrong though. What I would have really liked to see is BIS taking the engine used for Operation Flashpoint as a learning tool, and building a new one without the dated problems. The original ARMA's release date would have been pushed to around now, but like I say I think that would be worth it.
  4. Dark-Light

    Patch 1.02 Satisfaction Survey

    Its been already stated that many major issues in ARMA 2 were present in ARMA 1, so either the devs can't fix the major holes in their ancient engine, or don't listen. Its probably the former. I think they would have been better off designing a new engine with the experience they gained from the Flashpoint one, rather than just putting new clothes and makeup on it. I know money and time are issues here, but I would have waited another year or so for ARMA 2, rather than ARMA 1.5... A physics engine from 2001 in a 2009 game with as many vehicles as this is wrong in my book.
  5. Dark-Light

    HE rounds and soft vehicles

    One of my biggest problems is that shooting down an aircraft results in an impossibly slow moving jumble of black polygons falling to the ground as if filled with helium...
  6. Dark-Light

    HE rounds and soft vehicles

    A KA-50 gunship can take a direct hit from a 30mm round if it hits the armoured side areas. I doubt few, if any, of the helis modelled are as well protected, and certainly none will be more resilient. Bottom line is a 100mm shell is going to turn any helicopter into a twisted metal jigsaw puzzle, regardless of its type. Also, most real life tank crews generally will target low, slow choppers with their main gun in real life (I read this from a credible source sometime ago), so it is a valid situation. BIS for the most part seem to have pulled all their weapon data from thin air, or reduce/increase effectiveness of weapons for balance purposes.
  7. I think mainly its down to the fact that games in general have improved upon the things you mention since Flashpoints original release, and while it was good at the time, nothing has really changed since that time and many people find it dated - myself included. No other game quite manages to encompass the sheer amount of 'stuff' of this series however, and that is its selling point. Its a shame BIS haven't learned a great deal since 2001 about game evolution, but hopefully, future patches will change this game into a real successor.
  8. Javelin flight path is wrong anyway since the missile should go almost straight up and come down vertically on target. In game, they fly slightly up, but no more than being able to reach the top side armour. I don't know if thats why it fails to kill an M1A1 with a direct hit, but I'm pretty sure it would be toast.
  9. Dark-Light

    Shortsighted ATGMs

    Hi, I've been a long time player of OFP, and ARMA. ARMA 2 is a big improvement over both in many areas and is a lot more fun as a result, but there is one particular annoyance that has been driving me up the wall, ATGM range. Why is it that a BRDM-2 with konkurs missiles (max range 4km) cannot target and shoot a tank in plain sight from barely over 1000m estimated? Tanks are fine and can engage well over this range with their main gun, as can BMP-2's albeit with their cannon. It sort of makes the BRDM, and vehicle mounted ATGM in general pointless because they have to be practically running into the target before they will fire.:( Still best game of its type out there though:cool:
  10. Dark-Light

    Shortsighted ATGMs

    I think unfortunately its probably too much to ask to get a missile 4km on target via AI launch with this engine, but that is easily acceptable since the undulating terrain and copious high forests naturally make a closed fighting environment from a fly by wire point of view. Still, would be nice for missile equipped vehicles to see targets on their own at distances greater than 500m. A BRDM-2 ATGM in game can hit an M1A1 at about 900m, it just cant detect it on its own that far out. I think 1500m is a pretty reasonable distance for detection by all anti armour vehicles, as the game makes things look further away than they are anyway.
  11. Dark-Light

    Shortsighted ATGMs

    Ok, its definitely a problem with sight distance as far as I can tell - assigning a spotter of greater rank to a vehicle not using its long range weapon can 60-70% of the time result in acquisition and consequent destruction without any unnecessary movement. BIS should definitely look into that. Modern AT platforms do not need separate infantry spotters.