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Everything posted by jdbecks

  1. Hi all, I'm having problems with getting the support modules to work, when I preview the mission I get the initial radio message saying that support units are on standby, but when I try to access the support menu using , 0, 8 for supports then 1 for artilery nothing happens, I have tried accessing this through the map too but nothing, I also tried the same with the virtual modules to the same result. I placed an infantry player on the map, 2) A support requester module, 3) placed Supply drop (virtual) module down some distance away 4) kept all input fields default for the time being. I then synced them in the following order; Air Supply Module ---> Requester Module ------> Player thanks, J
  2. new image up on the dev blog http://www.bistudio.com/index.php/english/company/developers-blog/215-taking-on-the-future
  3. just to back up my previous suggestions that its a korea themed dlc, the BO15 helicopter is also used by South Korea.
  4. just to support my idea... the helicopter in the image is a MD 500, and some of the Asian Air Force's countries that use them are Democratic People's Republic of Korea * Korean People's Air Force 87 in service Republic of Korea * Republic of Korea Army 257 in service Japan and Taiwan Im still thinking the next DLC will be a Korean themed DLC :)
  5. North Korean based DLC Capital N on the dev blog for NK, in red, with red being popular colour used by NK, flag is mostly red with some blue & white. There is a Red Dragon in the picture too. In photo's section of the link provided in the dev blog, there is a korean/asian lady having a photo taken by the Komo News building saying " New home of the Mariners" Maybe a Carrier fleet dispacthed to the new conflict? http://www.komonews.com/news/national/112412934.html http://www.komonews.com/news/national/110744354.html Komo News also use a red N like the dev blog did?? Just my thoughts anyway :D
  6. jdbecks

    Expansions and such

    thats true, Just hope for more DLC in the future
  7. jdbecks

    Expansions and such

    they look like crap, and considering how cheap it costs to get the DLC, you might as well...then you get to see the great models and also support a great title and dev team
  8. anyone know of any other DLCs in the pipeline?
  9. Hi all, Im trying to make my own videos for Arma2, does anyone have any good guides to create my own videos? cheers
  10. nice, thanks alot AZCoder, much appreciated!
  11. jdbecks

    Russia, return or someone new?

    or a fictional modern day Vietnam scenario, with a fictional army based on china or North Korea, thick jungle etc concentrating on infantry, boat and helicopter movements with lots of air strikes from the fast jets :D
  12. jdbecks

    Russia, return or someone new?

    Maybe China or North Korea in a tropical landscape scenario, similar to the Falklands in the early 80's but a tropical island and in the present day could be interesting But I do enjoy the Middle East landscapes :)
  13. jdbecks

    New Behavior Mode: CHARGE

    Actualy, baynet charges have happened in Afghanistan, and on more than occasion, maybe you should go there and then you might loose that bull shit atitude
  14. jdbecks

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I would pay for good quality DLC, especialy if they release the British /HM Forces Faction
  15. jdbecks

    This really gets to me?!

    this is one of the few games where I actually enjoy playing the single player aspect of the game, other than playing some Single player missions, I look for a good coop mission...is it worth it..if you find it fun, then its worth it imo
  16. Hi all, are there any euro/UK based squads around that are seeking a pilot to join them for some missions? I mostly play flight sims and was drawn to arma2 for its unique ability to combine all the arms together for team play. I enjoy my time flying helicopters or planes in either the support role playing a battlefield taxi,medivacs or going on the offensive and bombing the enemy. I enjoy both coop and pvp, I am an ex brit squadie also.
  17. Hey all, Ive been trying to get my section to start the mission inside a vehicle, I can get them to spawn inside the vehicle, however, once I assign a waypoint the vehicle deos not move unless I make the vehicle a higher rank than the player. is there a command to either group the three vehicle together and to have my my fireteam spawn inside them in an independant group so the vehicles can drop them off at another location? cheers Jon
  18. having searched these forums I found the code needed, however Ive run into a small problem, this is what the trigger is for; one a radar station ( Named RU ) has been destroyed, two a10s take off and bomb there designated targets, however the trigger Im using is not working, on the waypoint for the a10s I have sync'd with a trigger, inside the trigger in the condition box is written ! alive RU I have tried to use This ! Alive [RU]; But it says ; is needed
  19. thats what I was doing wrong, did not relise I needed a waypoint for him to wait at. cheers for help everyone
  20. I just copied what you done, and the uaz comes to my postion stright away, I created an opfor dude, named him RU, Created a trigger, in the condition box I wrote not (alive RU) I then created a move waypoint for the UAZ, and synced it with the trigger. but the uaz drives to me, if i try to write this in the conidtion box it says missing ; This not (alive RU); This !(alive RU); when I try to press enter, it says missing ;. so i can not input that command line in the trigger
  21. nope thats not working either
  22. yeah I just tested it, any other way around it?
  23. Once a unit is destroyed, lets say elecgen1 you can have enemy units on the map but in the presence box write, this !Alive elecgen1; so once the player blows up the elec generator the opfor units appear?
  24. I still cant get this to work, Ive been trying to test this, I named a USMC rifleman jdbecks, and got a insurgent pickup truck to move to me via a waypoint once i shoot my rifleman, in the waypoint box under condition I typed this, This !(alive jdbecks); This !Alive jdbecks; This ![alive jdbecks]; they all keep saying " Missing ; " unless I take away "This", but then the command deos not work,
  25. jdbecks

    Trigger a flare

    so if i put the command _xhandle = execvm "flare.sqf"; in on DEA it will activate once opfor detects bluefor? and change activation to opfor dection of bluefore