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Posts posted by Zeichef

  1. Myke;1775115']FPDR

    It is obvious that you have next to no idea what it takes to make a good addon which works as intended' date=' does look good and doesn't cause problems of any sort.

    Believe me when i say that the F-16 is not releasable in it's current state. The barometric script is just one example of several dozen things to do and even not one of the most complicated.

    So you just have to trust me that i will release info/vids/pics if there is something relevant to show.[/quote']

    So why not focus on those clearly more important things to make the addon releasable first, and then shift your focus back to the fancier things?

  2. Myke;1775050']So you volunteer to help me? Great!

    So i need a system that calculates air Pressure offset based on normal air pressure' date=' global position, height above sea level, season, time of day and actual and forecasted weather. Contact me when you're done.[/quote']

    Heh, I'll do my best mate! :p

    But really now, I think you could release a version of the plane without for instance this particular system and continue to work on it(also on other things that you think need be added to the final version) and update it when you think you've made progress. That way you will also get feedback from the community. I really don't think that anyone will be dissapointed with the plane as it is since its already much much better than last year's F-16. I'm just saying man, not trying to tell you what to do or anything, just a suggestion.

  3. For some reason this was THE BEST mission I've played in this game.

    I role-played a lot after the crash and stayed a whie in the house trying to keep myself alive then I threw a smoke grenade and run out where the first guys came cause there was a car parked there, i got in and punched it away as the bad guys were shooting at the car. Also nice touch when the helo comes and suddenly more bad guys show up and the LZ gets hot. gonna post this on the comment section on armaholic too so more ppl download this. :) nice job again.
