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About Alex780

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Alex780

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Looks like there was a conflict between US Army 2009 units and FFAA weapons mod.
  2. Alex780

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Yeah, I've wondered about it. I'll do the test.
  3. Alex780

    FFAA MOD Spanish army

    Hi, I got troubles playing in the arsenal mode after installing the weapon mod. It's a pity because it adds a lot of weapons. Quite often when a challenge tried to load, Arma 2 crashed. I used the version 1.2 though. Any idea?
  4. Alex780

    US Army 2009 Units

    Hi, I've got an issue. When I select the M240B no weapon displays and I can't fire. When it's used by ennemi soldiers I get "cannot load....m240b". Thanks to consider this issue.
  5. Would be great to see a FAMAS pack mod.
  6. Hi, I'm trying to destroy the main camp and I can't call Boomerang because the radio doesn't appear when I'm on the map view. Please help.
  7. Would be great to give the M107 a more realistic fire rate. I've noticed it takes a too long time to reload between each shot. In this video you can see it can fire as fast as an SVD Dragunov.
  8. Alex780

    VopSound 2.1

    Tx a lot it works now!:)
  9. Alex780

    VopSound 2.1

    Hi, This mod looks awesome. The only problem is that I can't make it work. I installed it as described but it didn't work. I put @VopSound_2.1 with all its subfolders in the folder Addons of Arma 2. I used the manual method to have it recognized by the game (-mod=....). As I saw it didn't work I used Arma II launcher but still without success. I then moved @VopSound_2.1 in the main Arma 2 folder but still nothing. What can I do? Thanks a lot for your help.
  10. But how do you put this -winxp exactly? I don't understand. Do you mean I have to rename arma2.exe by arma2-winxp.exe? It shouldn't be that because I've tried it and it has made no effect.
  11. Hi, I've discovered that CrossfireX was not supported in ArmA 2. So I've tried ATI Crossfire Xtension but it hasn't worked. I've also renamed arma2.exe into Crysis.exe but it didn't change anything. Is there any means to get Crossfire working under ArmA 2? If not, I hope Bohemia Interactive or ATI will do something for it because the game could run much smoother, as it is very demandsome in terms of 3D calculus. Thanks a lot for your help. Alex