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Posts posted by hrPUFFnSTUFF

  1. first impressions arn't bad, you start out thinking a few tweaks and this will be great! from there it's all down hill. The more you attempt to play the lower the opinion falls. intollarable all types of glitching and lockups apear more consistantly no matter what rig you have and much worse for some.

    The engine feels like it was gaffa taped together. the interface is a train wreck with sliders that should not be there at all and no explanation as to the impact they may or may not have. the graphics are dated and inaccurate. The sound is appalling using HW excellerated or not. Single player campagne is unplayable unless you are increadable tolerant or just mindless of the cash you spent on it or just bought it to make small missions for yourself with none of the platforms supposed grandure and scale.

    Online play was a letdown aswell as tellaporting, disconnections, mission breakers and a unstable community all combine to make the experiance a frustration.

    In conclussion, frustrating is the best description I can give. The software(can't call it a game) sugests it offers alot but simply doesn't delliver. Conceptualy brilliant though! once the concept is matched by the software it will be as good as it can get.

    I will quallify my comments by saying I have worked for the Australian SAS when I was younger for 5 years and know what sounds real and doesn't. I have a diploma in system administration(lvl4) and though I grew out of pulling my pants down in public a long time ago, my rig spec's are; QX9650@3.33, 4g DDR2@800 4/3/3/7, 780i sli, 2xGTX285 2gig editions, 4xRaptor's RAID0, X-Fi Titanium Pro, Enermax Galaxy. Viewed through a Samsung Syncmaster 305Tplus@ 2560x1600 and a 12meg PPPoE adsl2+ connection.

  2. Clean the dust off your cpu heatsink and make sure the fan is running.

    smells like cpu overheat to me.

    yeah, sounds like overheat but clean way more than the cpu heatsink.

    To avoid compleatly dissassembling and cleaning with alcohole on cottonwoll use a air compressor and blow out all the heatsinks in your machine inclueding the PSU but tape the fans so they dont spin sending a charge back to the mobo. while the case is open and your PC ir running check all your fans and if you have space for any more fans add them.

    The PSU looses it's grunt the older it gets and this may also be impacting on overall performance. if it is a cheap generic PSU get rid of it and get a real PSU with a silver rating minimum. If it is just a home pc and the PSU is less than 500w get a new 1, in my experiance you need greater than double what you think you need, my rig draws 780W from a 1000W silver rated PSU(Galaxy) and it is not anough. odly in my case I add an extra GPU and it fixes my psu problem.

    Lastly, avoid repeating the actions you perform in the game that cause the crash until you are confident you have resolved the issue. IMHO the software is faulty aswell and really should be avoided by ppl who don't want an ongoing drama.

  3. I teetered on the edge so many times. I totally understand putting it aside IrishDeviant. I'll be getting OFP2 aswell.

    Do one last thing before you toss it out the window. Grab an extra HD and put XP 32bit. Install all your drivers off the web. The newest Nvidia is very important!Old driver New driver. Install Arma2+patch 1.03. put -nosplash -maxmem=2047 in the exe, then try. If it's still Death!! then format c: and fire it off the roof! ;)

    I have a Evga GTX285 and it's still chugs sometimes. -maxmem=2047 switch made it so when I alt-tab it's instant, no "receiving" waiting, that was somewhat nifty. Still their is a bit too much for me to tolerate, like the z-fighting. Something I haven't seen not fixable in a long time. Hopefully it gets better optimized in the future.

    A clean install will only work for a little while but there is no better way. I think with the map size's and modle count and hungry AI large page file is a big help. optimaly running in RAID, running the game from 4 raptors gave it a massive boost. Sadly I am 1 of very few that I know that can play this game reasonably well. all my mates have shelved Arma2 as the less than a year old machines they mostly all have, run the the game like shit! and as many have stated the tweaking required is extreamly redicules. This would be a truely fantastic game if it used stuff like phisiX and EAX5 and was truely 64 bit coded and really took advantage of heaps of ram. Instead it supports "tracker" Don't we all have 2 of them?? If the game ran as well as it could I would prolly even get1 myself. For now the game is shelved.

  4. it's not that odd nurgel, the same happend on the release of BF2 and wasn't patched for month's. To this day I still can't get BF2 to run stable with a solid overclock and I have tryed on a e6600, e6850, e8500 and a QE9650. after patch v1.40 it was way more stable but still on shutdown of the app it will crash with error sound but thats not as bad as a hang or CTDT just as you beggin a knife frenzy in close quarters just as you find your zone!

    this game is a little worse(understatement) than the BF2 launch because not many if any at all can get this to play as well as it should with even the most tweaked, clocked godware!

    I had been keeping an eye on this game for a while and are not surprised that it was released only half compleated. Contractual and financial pressure are the reasons but that is still a pissweak excuse for the cheap home made code that is Arma2!

    The real sad thing is that this conceptualy is a great game with massive area to play and all the arma and weapons you could want. what lets it down in this area is a lame AI, no "official" maps for the casual gamer to just jump on after a frustrating day at work. and if there was "official" servers" they would be full of cheats, simply because of the nature of home made code, allready I have read of the ping tweaks that so ruin BF2 and PR at the moment.

    I could rant on and on, and prolly wind myself up to the point I can't shoot strait so Time for a run around a full 64peep PR server that I know has good gamers that know about team and squad work and I will get over 150fps running at 2560x1600 everything on max..and yes that is important!!
