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Everything posted by ZoneDymo

  1. Soooo, no simple metal blueish skin? Like the stock choppers have? Are the issues with the Chinook still going to be fixed btw or is there an entire from ground up Chinook build coming?
  2. ZoneDymo

    Little Birds in ArmA2

    Man nice, but like the Chinook mod, this one two has that weird glass damage when given one shot with a gun. Also you can only get in on one side it seems, for the rest, nice very nice indeed, working dails FTW, and viewable joystick as well :). The F16 mod misses the Joystick and working dails.
  3. To bad non of the dails work, I also do not see the flight stick that should be in my hands.
  4. ZoneDymo

    RAF Chinook

    Ok sorry for that then. I thought the makers might have more use of seeing how the errors work in gameplay than in pictures. ---------- Post added at 10:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ---------- Actually no, non of the other aircraft respond to bullets that way. Most get a tiny realistic bullit hole on the spot where they got shot.
  5. on that pic, the hand placement is off, the front hand goes through the ammo clip.
  6. ZoneDymo

    RAF Chinook

    Try for what? Im just saying what I experienced from the mod.
  7. ZoneDymo

    RAF Chinook

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_thyG-efc4 Errors I found