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About Hoppern

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I randomly tried some MP-games today, but this thing is really confusing. First of all, almost all games where "Use ten minutes to get to the fight, then 10 seconds to die" and so on. Simply boring. And everything seem so complex. Any secret to what type of games I should start with?
  2. Hoppern

    [SP] Deadly Shadow

    @Morten87 Yeah, that's excactly what I am planning. I will start on it tonight. Will take some time though, so be patient.
  3. Hoppern

    [SP] Deadly Shadow

    Yeah I know its a bit short. The next mission from me will be longer now that I am comfortable with the scripting and so on.
  4. Hoppern

    [SP] Deadly Shadow

    Mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6706
  5. Hoppern

    Manhatten Bug List

    Anyone tried it with the new patch?
  6. Hi, this is my first mission. I've had a blast making it, but its quite short and probably a couple of bugs here and there. The most fun though was to record the radio messages. Anyways: Deadly Shadow is a stealthy (in theory) mission. Two saboteurs are sent into the woods outside Novy Sobor to infiltrate a russian camp and to put satchel charges on two T-72s. The camp is well guarded. I've tried to make a little story, and I'm planning a follow-up mission (as you can see when you are playing this one) witch will be a more full scale assault, rather than this sneaking business. Hope you like it, and share your comments and give me some pointers to what I could do better. Remember, this is my first:) Download: http://hoppern.com/arma2/Deadly%2520Shadow.Chernarus.pbo
  7. I'm doing my first mission, and its going quite well, however.. When I start the mission, it jumps straight into action. I want it to show the briefing screen first. I have read the briefing guide, and made a succsesfull briefing and tasks. But I want it to show up before the mission starts; the briefing comes up first, and you have to click "continue" to actually start playing. How do I do this?
  8. Hoppern

    Where to start?

    Dude, chill. If thats what it takes to enjoy this game, I'm shelfing it right now.
  9. Hoppern

    Where to start?

    Yeah. I tried it just now, but didn't understand a thing:S I really haven't gotten into the whole warfare thing yet either. I have only played the OFP campaign before, and all this new modes in tottaly new to me. Its quite overwhelming, and I'm not sure that I like it. Feels like I have wasted my money. I am ready to try to learn it, but the lack of documentation is killing the game for me:S
  10. Hoppern

    Where to start?

    I do enjoy a good multiplayer game, but I'm more of a casual multiplayer gamer - I play TF2 with friends from time to time an so on. I have the impression that the MP in ArmA 2 (from Inkompetents post and other threads) that it's essential to join a squad. I have actually looked up a squad in my country (Norway), but it looks like it takes to much time and commitment to even get started. I work, go to school and live with my girlfriend, so I don't have time to do weekly trainings an so on. Though I think MP would be a lot fun, its not for me right now. I will check out crcti warfare 0.9:)
  11. Hoppern

    Where to start?

    Thanks, but the problem is that I am not that really into multiplayer, and don't have enough time to join a squad "full time". I'm looking for a great SP experience, but right now that got ruined by the campaign.
  12. Hoppern

    Where to start?

    Hi all! I have given up the campaign for now - buggy, bad story etc. I loved OPF, and I really want to get back to that feeling with ArmA2. I never played ArmA1 due to some years without gaming, but now I'm back. So I have given up on the campaign, but I want to find other ways to enjoy this game. So where should I start? I have fooled around with the editor, but I only come up with pretty simple missions. I have read all over about the great community and massive amount of mods. I tried multiplayer, but didn't really understand it. So, where should I start? Any beginners tips to how to enjoy the massive potential of this game?
  13. Hoppern

    Was the campain even bug tested?

    The OPF campagin were 10 times more immersive though.
  14. I agree on fixing things, but for me the Harvest Red campaign is so sucky that I don't have word for it. Where is the spirit from Cold war crisis and Resistance?
  15. Hoppern

    Patch 1.03

    I can understand that:P