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Everything posted by Major_Dandelion

  1. Hi, I tried asking this in the SOM thread, but no answers. :( So, does anyone know how to auto accept SecOp missions? So they wouldn't be voluntary, but mandatory. Thanks! And sorry for the new thread, but I really am waiting for an answer! :confused:
  2. Major_Dandelion

    Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

    Thanks for a fast response :) Didn't know I had to open up those pbo's, I thought the classlist was enough. But yeah, maybe it's time to move on to DAC, although it's still a bit intimidating :D Are there any ready made Invasion 1944 DAC scenarios where I could start practicing? Thanks again.
  3. Major_Dandelion

    Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

    Hey, great mod! I really have been waiting for this. Just one question: How can I get ACM to spawn Invasion 1944 units? I've been working on it for some time already, without results. I know how to spawn RU only (etc), but I've had no luck with addon units. Help would be appreciated! Thanks!
  4. Is it possible to get a units side, faction, classname, weaponname (etc) somehow? Ingame or in Windows. I know there's a list of these for ArmA2 and OA units, but I'm talking about addons. For example, I'm trying to use the Undead Mod with ACM, but I haven't found the "zombie faction" yet. I know their side is resistance, but it's not the same as faction, like "GUE", "BIS_TK_INS" and so on. This would also be useful for any other addons. Thanks!
  5. Major_Dandelion

    The Undead Mod

    I use CO, that last post was just an example... I've used this mod for ages.
  6. Major_Dandelion

    The Undead Mod

    Thanks for those, but I don't think their faction is "Resistance". For example current OA factions are: BIS_US BIS_CZ BIS_GER BIS_TK BIS_TK_INS BIS_TK_GUE BIS_UN BIS_TK_CIV BIS_CIV_special So I would need a specific faction for ACM :) I've tried CHN_UNDEAD, but no luck :P I think these things are in config.bin, which I can't get open.
  7. Major_Dandelion

    The Undead Mod

    It's possible to control what kind of units ACM spawns: //To spawn only Guerrilla infantry squads: [["GUE"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [bIS_ACM, ["GUE_InfSquad"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc; But to do that I need the faction name and the zombie group name :P How can I get those?
  8. Major_Dandelion

    The Undead Mod

    How does this work with ACM? Could someone tell me how to try it? What side, group names and so on. Thanks! I just love this mod.
  9. Major_Dandelion


    I have this small sqf script, how come it never detects when player has respawned? It hints "Dead" when player dies, but wont hint "Alive" when player respawns. Where does it go wrong? _spawner = _this select 0; _spawnto = _this select 1; waitUntil {!alive _spawner}; _weapons = weapons _spawner; _magazines = magazines _spawner; hint "Dead"; //debug waitUntil {alive _spawner}; hint "Alive"; //debug removeallweapons _spawner; {_spawner addmagazine _x} foreach _magazines; {_spawner addweapon _x} foreach _weapons; _spawner setpos (getpos _spawnto); nul = [_spawner, _spawnto] execVM "spawnToUnit.sqf"; Thanks!
  10. Hi, Once I was pretty good at editing/scripting, but after not playing ArmA2 for 6 months, I seem to have stumbled on a very simple problem. I got a trigger which should execute a script for every unit that crosses it, but I can't seem to get it working. In activation : {nul = [_x] execVM "myscript.sqf"} foreach units thislist; What's wrong with that? I'm getting really confused, I could do these things before :D Even a simple {_x setdammage 1} foreach units thislist; won't work Something new on AO (which I just bought and love) or just me being dumb/forgetful? Thanks!
  11. How does SLX work with ACE? I love to use SLX, but ACE is also very good.. Or are there some modules I should remove from @SLX so they would work well together?
  12. Major_Dandelion

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Is this fully compatible with SLX mod? This seems to be a very nice addition to ArmA2, but I really like to use SLX... It would be a shame to see them mess up one another.
  13. Major_Dandelion

    Auto accept SecOp mission?

    Yeah thanks a lot, I'm sure I can manage that
  14. Another question, I hope it's not already answered! Is it possible to auto-accept secops? With some script or something, so I can place say 5 side missions around me without accepting them all separately. Please answer! :confused:
  15. Major_Dandelion

    ACM frustration hewlp!

    Bump? I'd really like an answer to this :confused:
  16. Major_Dandelion

    ACM frustration hewlp!

    Is there any way I could spawn only RU air units and INS ground units? I'd like to have combat choppers flying by but no T90 groups, only inf and light vehicles.. Any chance?