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About jakal66

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  1. I just feel that I bought this game looking at the recommended specs and then feeling that I have been lied to... If I had known I would have waited a bit longer to buy it...I just don't see the point in optimizing so poorly a game that only top knotch cpus can barely hit the 30 -50 fps...( if they're uber lucky) I know there's a lot happening at the same time and the world maps are inmense but I would sacrifice some of that to make it more playable and hence more enjoyable. I really think that a patch will minimize this issues but not fully address them... On topic: Wait untill futurte patches arrive may be that will help your performance...I would never spend more money on enhancing my Pc if 99 % of my games run perfectly on ultra high settings... I'd preffer to wait untill I have to change cpu and video card and may be motherboard as well when I start having issues with all new games and then install Arma 2( I am being ironic just so you know hahaha)
  2. jakal66

    Still no new patch?!?

    juat do as I did, uninstall untill the game is properly patched and properly playable...or play it the way you can now..because the truth is we can't do anything but wait untill they release it which they will, I just preffer to concentrate on other games that run fine untill this one is fixed...for me that is... But I must admit I was a bit sad because I really think the game could be AWSOME with out the bugs and low fps performance. This is of course for all the ones who are having issues... PS:patching doesnt fragment users NOT patching does that
  3. I do...and many others...why should I shut the fuck up...because of an ignorant turd like you... what are you the friggin nazy of the forum..why don't just STFU if you din't like what I say stay off the friggin pòst ...people like you are the ones who ruin the internet... and another thing if you wouldnt be able to play the game youd be the first one here complaining so dont give that BOARD SAINT bullshit adn save it
  4. but you see thats my point.. in the rec specs my card is mentioned,so i feel i have been lied to and thats why I complain..if I had minium specs I would even dream of posting here
  5. intel quadcore geforce 9800 gtx windows xp sp 3 4gb ram its important to say that I run other brand new games with some high specs flawlessly Ps: Syonco your reply just makes me think you are about 2 years old.. am i right?
  6. I don't want to be another guy who just rants about the game but BI leaves me no choice, after trying EVERYTHING ..and I mean EVERYTHING ...to make this title work properly with the suggested requirements and not being able to play the game as games are supposed to be played ,when you DO meet the recommended requierements. After uninstalling it and installing it several times, after trying all kinds of drivers and suggestions..I have come to one conclusion this game..as it is now with the 1.02 patch Does not perform well meeting the so called recommended specs.And a lot of other users will definetly agree with me. I think that when you purchase a product that product should work porpely... You should install the game and be able to play it with an even flow if you DO MEET the REcoMMENDED REQUIREMENTS...Not spend a week trying to reach what appears to be the glorius 30 fps just to be able to play the game and having to have the game look as if you were playing with a geforce 5200 fx from ages past. Now I do hope patches will someday fix these issues..and by BI standards I think they will...but giving us,excuse me,selling us a game with so many bugs and HW,drivers, etc.. related problems is just unforgiving... conclusion... I will therefore uninstall the game untill a REAL working patch comes and if it never comes then it will sold to someone who can actually play it and beleive when i say the mistake will not be made again. Please understand I just made this because of my frustration trying to make the game work and believe me I have truly utterly tried to do so.As i toatlly believe this game has tremendous potential and even with abismal Frames you can have a glimpse of what this game can become. I do believe I will be able to..when this really needed patch arrives and I know I am not alone in this matter. Those of you who did get the game to work properly I truly envy you a lot, and respect you but I also ask no to turn this into a flaming round as I deserve your respect too. This is a message for the People in charge of making this game work...I know it's a lot of work...but it's what we all paid for...not more no less.I still have a little faith in you.And I ask you to try not to make the same mistakes in the future as with the pirating industry growing tremendously its not a good idea to push away future customers Hope this happens soon and we can all see eachother in the MP!!!Playing the game as it was meant to be played. Thank you and good night.