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Everything posted by markh

  1. markh

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    I agree with CrazyAce - I have exactly the same problem now after having applied the 1.05 patch - the screen freezes for a second every 10 seconds or so. This is the ONLY time and only version of Arma2 that has caused me this problem. Hope you can fix it! In the meantime I have reloaded the game and patched it up to 1.04. At this level I am very staisfied with the game.
  2. A suggestion for the next patch. A simple game menu for the calling of artillery or air strikes as per the one in VBS2. I have tried the modules and scripting, but I regret that they are a bit beyond me!
  3. Carl Not sure if you have seen the call artillery menu from version 1.23 in the real time editor interphase. It really is quite simple. Do you have any suggestions regarding simple a artillery system that is currently available for Arma2 which does not require inserting scripting. Thanks
  4. Is there a video tutorial showing how to use either mortars or artillery when creating a user created mission? I have read and tried the published materials regarding the Artillery module and SOM but I am afraid that it is a bit beyond me.
  5. I am enjoying creating some basic missions in the mission editor. The use of High Command module means that I can create some fairly large engagements, where I can easly loose track of my AI controlled fellow BLUE groups. My query relates to whether at the end of the mssion, I can see what the respective BLUE and RED casualty figures are (dead and injured). Is there any way in which this can be achieved?
  6. markh

    Attack Helo question

    Krycek Thanks for the feedback. I shall wait, and hope, for a patch. Thanks for taking the trouble to check it out.
  7. I have used the editor to create a basic mission involving REDTanks and PCs and BLUE Fire infantry teams and attack helo (Cobra). I am BLUE. The Player unit is a Team leader in the fire team and the attack helo is AI. I have used the High Command function and created a waypoint for the attack helo that is a respectable distance from the RED units so that I can use the benefit of the helo's missiles for stand-off attack, knowing that in the real world the attack helos missiles can kill armour at a range where the armour weapons cannot reach the helo. My problem is that when the helo reaches the waypoint it does not stay at the waypoint (which is at a range where it can use its stand-off advantages). Instead the AI indulges in a suicidal "charge" against the armour and gets knocked down after perhaps killing 1 or 2 vehicles. My question is how do I get the attack helo's AI to stay at stand-off range and continue to kill the armour, in the way that would happen in real life?
  8. markh

    Attack Helo question

    I am bumping this to see if there is anyone who can help with this attack helo question. I have tried reading as much as I can on the forums and still cannot work out how to prevent the attack helo AI from conducting a suicidal charge against armour/men instead of enagaing them at a safe distance. In reality the Cobra should be able to stand-off at a safe range and take-out armour. I understand that their hell fire missiles have a range of over 7000 m. I appreciate that the visual distance of the game is below that, but I would expect the weapons to be modelled to reflect that the helo standoff weapons can outrange the Tank and BMP guns. Is there any way to instruct the helo to hover at a waypoint and attack enemy with missiles? I have tried most of the commands such as hold etc ... without luck.
  9. markh

    Attack Helo question

    Kabolte Thanks for your quick reply, but that does not solve the overall problem in that the attack helo needs to be a mobile asset that I can move over the battlefield to attack RED units where ever they are located. There is no point (or fun) in placing RED units in a set place in a user created mission with no movement orders simply waiting like dummies for my BLUE helo to show up and kill them. For those who know Steel Beast Pro PE, you can give attack helos a movement order such as "engage" and the helos will move to the waypoint. However, if they see enemy armour on the way, they will stop, hover and kill the armour with stand-off weapons before continuing to the assigned waypoint. That is the type of command I am looking for in Arma 2 and I guess I am asking whether there are commands that will allow the AI to act in that fashion.