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About Eugefunk84

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Eugefunk84

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    no offense man, but are your accolades really going to make a BIS developer say "gee i will work late into the night because my efforts r appreciated"? they get a paycheck like everyone else. they are not gods from upon high who decide your entertainment fate. maybe if u really wanna contribute to continued support and development, youll start a charity, cuz this thank you letter wont make a damn difference.
  2. agreed. there are better ways to do it, just pointing out its not as difficult as most ppl think
  3. O noz, someone has made a constructive criticism about an easily fixable gameplay element. He must be a novice, no hes a TROLL. quick everyone, jump on the flame-wagon and lets run him out of town! I do this for a living, hardly a novice. Anyways, its not like this is meant to replace everything they have written, just added to it. Call me silly, but I'd expect BIS already has some code to reset the bullet count when you reload, this just shows that they could simply modify it. yeesh!:rolleyes:
  4. if (currentRoundCount>0 && reload=1) { currentRoundCount=magValue+1; } I dont know why everyone thinks that because this is a simulator, everything needs to be simulated. This little snippet of code would fix this problem. Unimportant, yes. Incredibly easy fix, YES, so yea they should do it.
  5. Eugefunk84

    UAV Looks Awesome here

    i think hes just flying at some ridiculous altitude and relatively slow speed so everything moves slower, hence being easier to track
  6. I have been playing this series since OFP, so I have some experience with the editor (although I never did any scripting for it). Now it's great that this game has a devoted, proud community. But c'mon guys, community development starts when a game's built in content is exhausted. BF2 was great, I played vanilla BF2 for many many many hours. Same for COD4, same for GR. All these games has great official content that WORKED right out the box. You could install, play and enjoy without much of a hiccup. Then when that got boring, you started getting some modded content. A game is a game, and editor is an editor. A game that has a built-in editor is still a game and should be considered as such. It's nice that I can go into the editor, set up my character and some tanks and blast them to hell, but without scripts, that gets boring. Even if it is pseudo-random. Scripting takes things to the next level, but it is by no means intuitive. It might seem easy to those who have been doing it for a while and know the in's and out's but to sit down and learn how to write effective scripts is like learning a simple programming language. That is NOT something that is simple to do, even if it is relatively rudimentary. Respect the fact that some people dont have the patience/time/skill to make missions as effectively as others. It doesnt make somone a leper if they do not fit into the develop community but simply want to play a working game...
  7. unfortunately not all people are code or mod saavy, so they ask devs to do it for them. thats why they have devs, to develop.
  8. Eugefunk84

    UAV useless

    no way to stabilize, possibly in future patch, probably not though
  9. Eugefunk84

    Question about editor

    wow, nobody knows this?
  10. Eugefunk84

    Question about editor

    I searched but couldnt find any info on this. Im trying to make a mission where a squad is dropped of by helicopter at a certain point, then the squad begins to assault an airfield. I can load the squad, transport them, and drop them off fine. However, when they start the assault, the helo follows them because hes part of the same squad. I had to put them in the same squad to be able to spawn the units in a flying helo. How can I make the helo withdraw and follow a different waypoint than the soldiers after it drops them off? Thanks in advance!
  11. I think whats going on here is that for older cards like the 8800 series, PhysX took some processing power away from the GPU, slowing performance on those rigs. But on newer cards like the GTX285, the game does not tax the card fully, as were all pretty convinced its CPU-limited. Therefore the card has plenty of processing power to run PhysX without any sort of difference in performance. Bottom line, Old Card = Turn PhysX Off New card = Leave it On
  12. Eugefunk84

    How I've fixed my CTD!

    If I remember from my VLSI/MMIC class in grad school, increasing the operating frequency of a chip requires you to increase the voltage to allow faster signal swing on the control logic lines. By overclocking and REDUCING voltage, you put yourself in a pretty precarious state. When overclocking, you may or may not have to increase your voltage, but you certainly should never drop it.
  13. hmm, this is good news. I'm running the 186.18 driver right now, hopefully we'll see some campaign performance boost......hopefully. will report back after I install it later tonight
  14. Eugefunk84

    Me vs Tank

    done, damn you guys are anal abotu this stuff...:P
  15. Eugefunk84

    Me vs Tank

    Apologies, i didnt realize that woudl be classified as a spoiler. If it helps, the next time I played the mission, the tank wasnt a threat, so its a little random.