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About goons21

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. goons21

    From Hell 1.57

    Thanks for the comments to you both. I'm going to give it another shot and see if the Apache comes. I've had the conversation with him about him being able to walk, etc. and he just lays there. I've even left the area for 10 minutes and come back and he's still there; no apache. If it doesn't work on the second playthrough, I'll crash land in friendly territory just to get through the mission. Thanks again.
  2. goons21

    Change Character Skin in MP

    Ah, makes sense. I thought I was missing the "change clothes" crate....lol. Thanks again.
  3. goons21

    Change Character Skin in MP

    Thanks Beagle. But I was just on a server and saw guys running around in the British gear, one guy had balaclava and the special ops character skin from single player...how are they changing this? I probably wasn't clear enough in my question.
  4. I've tried searching but cannot find the answer...anyone know how I can change my character skin in MP? It defaults to well the default...and I see guys running around with different camo etc. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  5. I am running 1.57 and am not sure what do once I've "located" the pilot. He just lays there and I don't receive credit for completing the task, thus the mission does not advance. Am I missing something or is this still buggy?
  6. When I try to install ARMA 2 I am getting an error message when it starts installing the music portion of the addons that says CRC does not match. I've tried twice now and it won't let me past this....please help.
  7. I've done a couple searches and can't find any guides on how or where to input the following.....code/script/No clue....problem with searching is that I don't know what it is or where to start...... AAWinf_HelmChangeAnyWhere = true; Variable States: not defined - ammo crates false - ammo crates true - anywhere If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
  8. goons21

    Project Reality Development

    Looking forward to this. MP is a mess as is. I think this will prove to be a much deeper base to work with than BF. Can't wait.
  9. goons21

    [SP] Swordfish Trilogy

    New guy question but how do I choose my load out for these missions?
  10. I've created a campaign folder within my ARMA II directory as per the installation instructions but cannot see the campaign once I am in game. Am I missing something? The instructions make it seem pretty straightforward.
  11. I just bought ARMA 2 today and am installing it in my computer. I am getting a loud buzzing noise from my DVD drive and the install is taking a long time. Any ideas? Progress is being made but at this point it looks like it may take 8 hours to install. I put in another game disk and am getting no such noise.
  12. Would you guys know if demo performance would translate over to the full retail game? I downloaded the demo to see if it would run acceptably on my machine and it's been good so far with medium/low settings and minimal tweaking.
  13. goons21

    New beta patch 1.16

    With the new patch 1.16B when I go into campaigns I have only the original campaign and the Rahmadi Conflict but no Queens Gambit. I have the ARMA gold US version. Is there something I missed? I am running this on a Vista 64 machine. I get QG in the regular install (1.14 and 1.08) but not when I load from 1.16B.
  14. goons21

    Cheat Code Problem

    I completely forgot about that. Thank you. I'll give it a shot.
  15. I recently had my laptop crash with my ARMA saves on it. I would rather not replay through the 90% of the campaign that I was able to complete and was wondering if anyone might know how to utilize the cheat code to unlock the campaign missions on a laptop? I ask because all of the instructions tell you to hit shift, then the minus sign on the numberpad; unfortunately there is no numberpad on my laptop. Thanks in advance for any help...