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About trikstadude3

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  • Interests
    Basketball, Football, Combat Arms
  • Occupation
    I.T Technician
  1. trikstadude3

    Forum regulars come welcome me :D

    where can i find said Road to everon mission for arma ?
  2. trikstadude3

    Forum regulars come welcome me :D

    Dang. Guess I'm getting banned already ;)
  3. Intel Pentium IV 3.06 GHz 1.5 GB of ram Nvidia 7300 LE Will I run ArmA 2 on low settings ? :D My pc runs Just Cause, CS:S, portal, Garrys Mod, and some other recent games. Can I run it ? ---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ---------- I should probably add that I get extremely smooth frame rates in all of those games.
  4. trikstadude3

    This game is complex, I need help!

    This is my Computer, will it run ArmA 2 ? Intel Pentium IV 3.06GHz 1.5 GB Ram Nvidia 7300 LE Don't judge it automatically ! It plays CS:S and Just Cause and Garrys Mod and Portal , All with amazing Frame rates. Smooth as a babys cheek :D Will ArmA 2 run on low settings ? :S
  5. trikstadude3

    Forum regulars come welcome me :D

    Hi , My name's Jordan , I recently found some ArmA 2 videos on youtube. Before this, I knew absolutely NOTHING about the ArmA series. I know my pc can't handle ArmA 2, so I bought ArmA : Combat Operations. Looks just as good, just with worse graphics. Can someone with enough time to write, give me a detailed explanation of : 1. The Mod's I HAVE to get. 2. Beginners guide to ArmA :D 3. How I can get custom weapons in the game (If you can) I'm new, forgive me If I seem newbish . I found out about this beautiful series of games only 2 weeks ago. I am very used to Vbulletin , Over 1,000 posts on Combatarmsforums.com . Just new to ArmA . ;) OH , and anything else I should know, about ArmA , post here please. :D I'm going to go to bed now, but when I come back, I want answers :bounce3: :436:
  6. I'm new to ArmA aswell, What's ACE mod and what does it bring to the game ?
  7. trikstadude3

    HiFi Novus Aevum - modular sound conversion

    Hi Mark , I'm new here , but been on many a Vbulletin before. Over 1,000 posts on Combatarmsforums.com actually :D Would you suggest this for a first time ArmA player ? I only just got ArmA : Combat Operations .