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About Xjiks

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  1. Xjiks

    Revive Feedback

    I can see the first online session begin with : - "hey shoot me to test the new revive system" (shoots in the head) - "well that didn't work !" :D
  2. Xjiks

    A "heli dlc" fix plea

    Why isn't Taru pod mod already in the vanilla DLC ? As a helo DLC with pods you can attach, it seems logical that everyone will want to attach the pod in the belly of the Taru
  3. 09/06/2015 14:42:30 - Chargement du fichier 'C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR4\NPClient.dll' bloqué I have trackir v4; just sent the file Actually downloading latest TIR v5, but I'd like to continue with the TIR v4 since it has always worked fine ! It should be forbidden for a software to block another software. Is Battleye a VIRUS ? no ? sure ?
  4. Thanks to the autors of this website: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/ArmA_III Now I can view all the weapons to see what they look like and pick up the class from bi wiki TICKET CLOSED !
  5. Dear Arma 3 developpers, Please update the wiki about the Arma 3 Config Weapons and add pictures to the Marksmen DLC weapons so it's easier to pick up the class for a desired weapon. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons Or does anyone has a link to another list of weapons with classnames, ammo classes and pictures ? Thanks and have a nice day !
  6. A bit off topic but what about showing ennemies on the map ? This is not fun at all for pvp modes. Is it possible to make a script to disable the ennemy markers so whatever the level of the server (recruit, veteran) then the markers are always disabled ?
  7. That's so weird.... but you're right..... I've restored version 1.40 of Arma3 and still unable to add flashlight to pistols :butbut: so that's my head that needs a patch :o
  8. The P07 pistol could have flashlight attached under the barrel, it's wasn't from an addon, it's from the vanilla game, I've always had this kind of payload when playing.
  9. Since yesterday's patch and Marskmen DLC, I noticed you can't attach Flashlight on Pistols anymore from Virtual Arsenal. I wonder if that's the same for other people or just me, and if that's only for Virtual Arsenal and why would devs remove this feature ?
  10. Xjiks

    Marksmen DLC evening release date

    They could have say to release the 9th and everybody would be there and happy to have it 8th at 8pm. Stop complaining please
  11. Xjiks

    Arma 3 copy and paste

  12. I'm pretty sure the DEVs already have this kind of stuff in their records, they should just share it or host this in the Wiki or somewhere else
  13. Set : disabledAI = 1; in file "description.ext" https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/description.ext#disabledAI
  14. Open editor; find an airport, place all the vehicles and all possible units on the map, also objects, ammobox etc. Play with the new stuff for 2 hours to familiarise And of course.... respawn a lot of times ! EDIT: and also find the cute lady wearing in a swim suit and watch her bounce
  15. Thank you guys, will try that, looks great as it takes the weapon classes "automatically" :-)