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About Serpy

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    System Building
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  1. Hi KKlownboy, I have never altered the cfg file so it is just what arma 2 sets. As for Mp no I haven't just the co-op in the campaign which has no different to playing by my self other than the yellow and red chain every now and then.
  2. Hi, I have only ever crashed to the desktop once and that was when I set mem to very high. I will admit that with aa on my fps drop 20+ to about on average 31 which is still fine but I don't think it is worth it. As for sending my rig it cost me £550 to put together so I will take a rain check on that one ... It is funny how this game works for some and not others. I would like to know bi's hardware as it would help in finding a common ground for everyone. One last thing is that I do have the game install on its own hard drive and defrag often, as does my friend. We both play for long periods of time, up to 8 to 9 hours at a time and we use skype to talk during it with no effects on the game.
  3. Hi guys and gals, I cant understand all the problems that people are getting with this game as I run everything on very high and get 58-67 fps. My spec is as follows. q9650 biostar tpower 45i 4gb ocz reaper 1066 ddr2 ati 4870 x2 2gb asus monitor res 1920 x 1200 16:10 vista 32bit I don't have aa enabled and I have default for mem. I also have pos low but everything else is very high. My friend has e8500 chip with a 9800gx2 and runs the same settings as me with only a difference of a few fps less. We built both rigs for this game and had no problem running it. I just find it strange that so many are having problems. Wish I could help.