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Everything posted by icq3800846

  1. icq3800846

    "Cannot Commit" Crash When Saving the Game

    The thing is, there may indeed be some kind of workaround, but in my opinion, especially where people are running a popular rig, nVidia or Ati cards, Vista/XP, blah, blah, blah.... we shouldn't have to try to tweak things to get basic functionality or to simply make it playable. OK if someone has a really old rig, or something not mainstream I can understand it; but from what I can see everyone who is encountering problems at this stage has set ups with their software and hardware that are "normal" and still it's not working. I'm playing (or trying to) the Dogs of War mission, sometimes my people won't move, sometimes there is a vehicle available, and then when I do load the mission up and try to get anywhere, it crashes when I try to save it. It's highly frustrating and I wish someone from BI would say something, like acknowledge there's a problem and tell us there is a fix on the way, even if it's a couple of weeks away, but being left in the dark and not knowing if/when there will be a fix just makes things so much worse. Rant over.
  2. icq3800846

    "Cannot Commit" Crash When Saving the Game

    Hey Bulldogs, I'm getting this problem too, but I don't think it's a problem with adminitrator settings as it this were the case it would happen every time I tried to save a game. I've had it happen now when I manually try to save, and when the game automatically saves. If any files or folders are read only in the arma2 directories then this is how the game installed them. I don't really want to start editing security policies as I don't think games require it. I think it is a bug of the game rather than anything that is wrong on any particular system. And I too love the game, just needs some kinks ironing out!
  3. icq3800846

    Manhatten Bug List

    Yeah. me too, I sniped off a couple of the guys with a hunting rifle I found, and took out the T92 with an RPG I found, I got lucky, I hit it with the only two RPG rounds I had on the second try, although the guys in the tent nearly took me out when I went running through the doorway like an idiot.
  4. icq3800846

    can I run Arma 2?

    From what I read it should just about play it, you might have to cut down on some of the visuals, at least you've got a core 2 complaint motherboard, so a cheap processor upgrade might be an idea if you can manage it, and even though your 8800 GTS is a little old in the tooth, you should be able to play. The 260GTX is now quite reasonable in price if you're thinking of upgrading your graphics card.
  5. icq3800846

    Cannot Comit

    I get this too, but only when I am saving the game. I've had it in different places, not just the same place in the game. I think it's a game bug as opposed to something wrong with your system, there seems to be a few little buggy bits that I hope will be ironed out with a later patch. Sorry I'm not much help. Richard