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Everything posted by rejectedham

  1. Sorry, forgot to search.
  2. Okay, this is a problem I've had with other games in the past. I bought a copy of ArmA tried to install it and couldn't because of this error, however eventually it installed by ignoring the errors and I end up with a broken game. I know it's broken because there are missing textures, the team options not working, unable to install patch. I've tried reinstalling several times, each time something different is broken. I replaced the copy, but this also led to a broken game although errors do not show up when installing. I tried using daemon tools to install but that doesn't work. I would have thought that the dvd drive was fucked but I've just tried to download and install the demo and it gave the same error. Has anyone got ideas about what the problem is? Specs: Vista x64 4GB RAM Intel® Core2 Duo CPU E4600 2.40GHz ATI Radeon HD 4870 1GB (Not sure if this is the right section, sorry if it isn't)