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About dizza

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  1. dizza

    Dogs of War bug

    I've captured both of the points to the North. Either "Green" or "Blue" has captured all points to the north and west. But the game never triggers anything for the Chedaki base nor for the Russian base. Just another bug in a whooping mess of code. -d
  2. dizza

    Manhatten Bug List

    How do you target or shoot from the UAV? Anytime I use the UAV terminal to use the UAV, things are moving way to fast and it is almost impossible to use it to spot things. -d ---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ---------- I've taken out the T72... but what about the BMP there and the other guys? Is the mission suppose to end when you kill the T72? -d
  3. dizza

    Manhatten Bug List

    I have played this damn mission for over 10 hours now over the last 3-4 days and still can not beat it. I started not even bothering with the little missions and go straight for the base. Arty'd it one time to take out the tank. Boomerang finally shows up, but all they do it go straight into the line of fire of the BMP which takes out the APC with one shot. I've tried going in on foot and also with the APC. One shot from the BMP every time and we blow up. This is ridiculous that this mission takes up so much time and have so many failures with the design of the mission. I've simply had it with this game. It looked so promising and the previous missions and training were a lot of fun, but this mission sucked all that fun out of the game. Unless I see a patch within a week that fixes this crap, it will be time to uninstall the game and fight for my money back. -d