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Everything posted by frogOR

  1. frogOR

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Thanks for the reply!
  2. I've got a Geforce GT220, which is basically a Geforce 9500 GT. Am I going to be able to play arma2 and still have good image quality?
  3. frogOR

    pc requirements

    Find out your PC's system specs. If you can't find your sys specs, download the demo and try it out.
  4. Hey guys! Thanks for all your support in answering these questions. I now have one of my own: I've got a Geforce GT220, it's an OEM GPU and not very well known, it seems.. It states it at standard: 1G of DDR3 memory. Here's a link to the GPU's specs: http://www.nvidia.com/object/product_geforce_gt_220_us.html According to information on the net, people say this card is likely to takeover the Geforce 9500 series. Could anyone tell me if I'll have problems running A2 with this card? Also if you don't mind, check out my specs in my sig - I'm just wondering how well A2 will run with my PC. Thanks guys!
  5. frogOR

    looking for team players

    This game was meant to apply teamwork and team-strategy. I'm glad to see there's so many dedicated players out there! Keep supporting the newbs and get them up to speed!
  6. I'm actually waiting until I get to play this game - and the wait is killin' meh! I've always been a fan of flight simulators. Started off with MS Flight Sim and stopped at Aces High 2, since I had to ditch my crappy computer. After I get some exp in this game I'm going to try and become a dedicated pilot for all you guys out there needing transport. Even though I haven't played A2 yet, just watching the movies and reading posts, lets me know that this is going to be my favorite game ever!
  7. frogOR

    need help with system requirements

    Definitely - I almost wanted to purchase a Firebird but I decided to save some cash. You should be just fine with those system specs.
  8. frogOR

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I was interested in purchashing the TIR5 but not as interested in buying the TrackClip. Here's my question: will the TIR5 without the TrackClip still perform 6 degrees of view? I'd really only use it for A2 and LOMAC. Your answers are appreciated!
  9. i've noticed that too.. you'll get used to it in time, with practice
  10. frogOR

    newbie with a serious gripe

    nice! that would be much appreciated - cheers, cm!it's the worst when they stop and go, teasing you as you try and enter the vehicle
  11. frogOR

    Excellent!! Armed Assault on a MAC PC

    hey everyone - first post for meh! i'm about to purchase an imac 20" for necessity 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo NVIDIA 256MB DDR3 2GB (possibly 4gb) DDR3 ram anyone know if it'd be worth it to purchase arma2? i'd love to rock this game with you gents - let me know, thanks!