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Everything posted by Trikz

  1. Make a rape mod.. id dload that HARHARHAR
  2. Trikz

    The unkillable T-90

    So you haveto be over 150m to kill tanks.. wonderd why the fucking javelins werent blowing shit up some times.
  3. Its a great game.. but its been out for 10years or so in my eyes.
  4. Be happy that some peoples game is working?? Why would an of us getting the error give a shit about anyone elses game??
  5. Trikz

    Some genuine patch 1.03 information

    All i want is a hotfix for the receiving bug so i can actually play game ffs.
  6. Might work for me though. So you are just in game and just hit Shift + - then type flush Does a box appear to type in or am i typing it in the chat box or w,e im still a bit puzzled coz i tried that and typed flush and theres no where to type it in so i dno if im actually doing it right and never got that message saying actived FLUSH.
  7. Can you go into more detail please? Is this ingame? Do i type it into the chat box tell me exactly what to do coz ive tried typing _F-L-U-S-H #F-L-U-S-H #FLUSH _FLUSH into the chat and without chat etc etc.
  8. Try this fix i tried last night.. it might of done somehting for me its too early to tell its worth a try though. Go to your profile folder which for me is "C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\YOURPROFILENAME" or for you it could be just Profiles instead of Other Profiles open your "yourname.ArmA2Profile" file with wordpad/notepad and change TexMemory to 2 so it looks like this TexMemory=2; Try that tell me if it does anything i got it from a post on these forums.
  9. Wow you clearly dont understand.. yes i have loads of programs have used loads of programs yes they have bugs everything does but when it stops me from using said application its lame.. What part of this are you not getting?? idiot..
  10. Hey thanks for the guide worked great first time! One question how do i make it so the engine doesnt turn off i want it to keep going like a fast extraction style :)
  11. Trikz


    Ahh yeah just tested waypoints with 3 guys.. pretty cool cheers for the help guys.
  12. Trikz


    So should this work when placed in a units Initilization box? Is there anything special i need to do othter than that? The units name is man1 I used it as a trigger and it works (although there is no cigarette in his hand which is lame) but is there no way to make it work from the units init.
  13. Trikz


    Nice stuff man i really wana add some of these to my missions.. but how do you add them :P I was messing about trying to figure it out but i aint to good with editing atm any chance on a little help :P
  14. You dont seem to get it.. You pay for things for them to work not to wait for them to work do you.. What if you bought a house.. your key didnt work and you couldnt get in for a while but theres no information on when the locksmith will be there you just have to wait and be pissed off.
  15. Wow.. Your saying you are a smartass.. pathetic. Anyway really need a fix! Chop Chop!
  16. Are you smartass?? Talkign like one so you should be.. Whats my issue.. well use your brain if im posting in the receiving black screen, game unplayable thread.. "I am getting that issue incase you didnt get the sarcasm" 8800GTS doesnt really matter many ranges of cards are getting this issue. it needs to be hotfixed ASAP becasue its stopping people from playing the game..
  17. Come on hot fix this shit already!! i didnt buy a game for it too not work its getting annoying.