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Everything posted by Recoilless

  1. I have set up some artillery by copy and pasting the stuff from the example mission on the biki, but it can only be used once. Does any one know how I can get multiple artillery strikes of a type so; for example I could have one HE strike and two WP strikes?
  2. I'm having trouble exporting one of my missions to a multi-player format. It seems that whenever I export all of my scripts disappear. What do I need to do to get my scripts to go along with the mission?
  3. I'm trying to make a singleplayer mission into a multiplayer mission. However, I'm having some locality issues. How can I make a script execute only on the server?
  4. I tried this but to no avail, perhaps its something wrong with the scripting itself, and yes I know the names make no sense; it's altered copypasta. if(isServer) then { GroupAlpha1 = CreateGroup West; Helo1 = createVehicle ["A10", [(getMarkerPos "Startingpoint1") select 0,(getMarkerPos "Startingpoint1") select 1,100], [], 0, "FLY"]; HeliPilot1 = GroupAlpha1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; HeliPilot1 moveInDriver Helo1; wp12 = GroupAlpha1 addwaypoint [position Targetarea, 0]; wp12 setwaypointtype "SAD"; }
  5. Is there a way to make civilians become hostile and attack the players if they approach?
  6. Recoilless

    Hostile Civilians

    Won't that just spawn a new civilian in the east group. Edit: I want them to appear as civies first.
  7. via Save Export to MP
  8. I'm trying to make a guerrilla in a ZU-23 fire into the sky when a trigger is activated. So far I have. AA1 doWatch [11,11,10000]; AA1 selectWeapon "ZU23_Gue"; AA1 fire "ZU23_Gue"; Where AA1 is the name of the guerrilla in the gun. The doWatch command works and he looks at the position given but I cant get him to fire. A little help would be appreciated. ~Thanks
  9. Does any one know the correct syntax so that instead of writing the triggers name I can just do "this". From what i understand this returns a boolean in a trigger.
  10. Can any one help me? I'm trying to get the battery to sleep a "random" amount of time(really radius/10 or /100). I have this but I cant figure out why it doesn't work. ; **************************************************************** ; Script file for Armed Assault ; Updated for Arma 2 Zu-23 by Recoilless ; Created by: SUPR3ME KILL3R ; Thanks to Arma Edit ; **************************************************************** _K = _this select 0 _Target = _this select 1 _radius = _this select 2 _altitude = _this select 3 sleep ;(_radius/10); #Flakloop _a= getpos _Target select 0 _b= getpos _Target select 1 _c= getpos _Target select 2 _gap=random _radius _direction=random 360 _x = _a +((cos _direction)*_gap) _y = _b +((sin _direction)*_gap) _z = _c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _gap2=random _radius _direction2=random 360 _xx = _a +((cos _direction2)*_gap2) _yy = _b +((sin _direction2)*_gap2) _zz =_c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _gap3=random _radius _direction3=random 360 _xxx = _a +((cos _direction3)*_gap3) _yyy = _b +((sin _direction3)*_gap3) _zzz = _c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _gap4=random _radius _direction4=random 360 _xxxx = _a +((cos _direction4)*_gap4) _yyyy = _b +((sin _direction4)*_gap4) _zzzz = _c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _K disableAI "Target" _K disableAI "AutoTarget" _K doWatch [_x,_y,_z] ~0.5 _K setVehicleAmmo 1 _K fire "2A14" _K doWatch [_xx,_yy,_zz] ~0.5 _K fire "2A14" _K doWatch [_xxx,_yyy,_zzz] ~0.5 _K fire "2A14" _K doWatch [_xxxx,_yyyy,_zzzz] ~2 goto "Flakloop" exit Also if any one knows how to make them fire for a sustained time that would be great. ---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ---------- What values are you calling for the script? I had the same prob, but your probably not aiming high enough.
  11. I had to change it a bit to get it to work. The script tries to fire a gun. You need to change it so that it fires the appropriate gun. ; **************************************************************** ; Script file for Armed Assault ; Updated for Arma 2 Zu-23 by Recoilless ; Created by: SUPR3ME KILL3R ; Thanks to Arma Edit ; **************************************************************** _K = _this select 0 _Target = _this select 1 _radius = _this select 2 _altitude = _this select 3 #Flakloop _a= getpos _Target select 0 _b= getpos _Target select 1 _c= getpos _Target select 2 _gap=random _radius _direction=random 360 _x = _a +((cos _direction)*_gap) _y = _b +((sin _direction)*_gap) _z = _c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _gap2=random _radius _direction2=random 360 _xx = _a +((cos _direction2)*_gap2) _yy = _b +((sin _direction2)*_gap2) _zz =_c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _gap3=random _radius _direction3=random 360 _xxx = _a +((cos _direction3)*_gap3) _yyy = _b +((sin _direction3)*_gap3) _zzz = _c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _gap4=random _radius _direction4=random 360 _xxxx = _a +((cos _direction4)*_gap4) _yyyy = _b +((sin _direction4)*_gap4) _zzzz = _c + _altitude - _radius + random (_radius*2) _K disableAI "Target" _K disableAI "AutoTarget" _K doWatch [_x,_y,_z] ~0.5 _K setVehicleAmmo 1 _K fire "2A14" _K doWatch [_xx,_yy,_zz] ~0.5 _K fire "2A14" _K doWatch [_xxx,_yyy,_zzz] ~0.5 _K fire "2A14" _K doWatch [_xxxx,_yyyy,_zzzz] ~2 goto "Flakloop" exit This version should work for any zu-23
  12. Naming variables x, xx, xxx, xxxx, and y,yy etc. is a great way to end up with a completely fucked program. Never the less it works like a charm. Thank you this script is great.
  13. Christ whomever programmed this needs a baseball bat to the head for naming their variables
  14. Okay I got part of it. I was selecting the vehicle name not the weapon name:icon_redface: I now have: AA1 doWatch [11,11,10000]; AA1 selectWeapon "2A14"; sleep 3; AA1 AA1 fire "2A14"; But i cant figure out why sleep isn't interrupting the script. The gun rotates and fires at the same time