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Everything posted by st_dux

  1. st_dux

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well, yeah, actually.
  2. 1. Make a trigger, the condition for which will be "player == co" and the activation for which will be "nul = co execVM 'addactions.sqf'" 2. Make a script called "addActions.sqf" in which you will simply add each action, one after another, using "this" (e.g., "this addAction ['do this','useThisScript.sqf']") Also, if you want to avoid cluttering up your mission folder with small script files, you can put all of the actions into a single "actions.sqf" file. Then, using a switch statement, you can take an arbitrary argument passed to the script through addAction's optional parameters section (_this select 3) to determine which action to complete.
  3. st_dux


    @djtonybe: You just aren't following the correct syntax of the scripting commands. Be sure to use the Biki (community.bistudio.com/wiki) to reference commands and get syntax instructions; don't just try to guess has stuff works. As for the script snippet you provided... - "this" in the if statements should be "_this" - "(_this Name =='AmmoCrateUSA')" should simply be "(_this == AmmoCrateUSA)" with no quotation marks around "AmmoCraateUSA."
  4. There's probably a problem elsewhere in your init.sqf, so the code isn't getting that far. Make sure you have showScriptErrors on.
  5. @HyperU2: Are those pics from the place off of I-81? I used to drive by there all the time.
  6. st_dux

    A game we need

    @Second: Stereotypes are generally true: That's how they became stereotypes in the first place. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and you're right about some of the late-war tactics -- like Stormtrooper tactics, as you mentioned -- deviating from the massive frontal assault model that was used most of the time prior to 1918. But this sort of thing was very much not the general course of action during WWI, and these tactics only came about as the war was coming to a close. Generally, the Western Front was as I described -- two sides deadlocked in a war of attrition. The kind of trench warfare that was the norm during WWI was essentially made obsolete in WWII by the development of better tanks. Infantry forces were still necessary to support these tanks -- protecting them from anti-tank fire, for example -- but they were used in a far more mobile fashion than what had generally been seen on the Western Front of WWI. The late-war tactics that developed in WWI -- which were the exception rather than the rule -- became the norm in WWII. Of course, there were still battles of pure attrition in WWII, but this kind of fighting didn't constitute 95% of the infantry combat like it did in WWI. The fact that there are far more examples of effective infantry tactics having been used in WWII than there are in WWI is why WWII has been chosen time and time again as the basis for video games while WWI has been largely ignored.
  7. Try setting a direction with setFormDir. This will set the leader's facing, which all units in the group will copy by default. To make an individual within a group look somewhere else, you need to take him out of formation (out of follow-the-leader mode) with doStop.
  8. st_dux

    !alive ID buildings

    Don't put the code I gave you into the Activation field; put it in the Condition field. It is a condition for the trigger to activate, after all. When you do that, you shouldn't have any problems provided you are placing and naming the game logic properly.
  9. @megagoth1702: Try changing the "nomove" parameter to "move".
  10. If t1 and t2 have their condition set to "true," then they are being activated soon after the mission starts and aren't actually checking for anything. You may as well remove them entirely.
  11. If you want them to follow you, why not just have them join your group? Also, waypoint 0 is a unit's initial position, not its first waypoint. I realize that this is counter-intuitive because waypoint 0 is the name of the first waypoint in the editor, but this is how Bohemia decided to do it. You have to add one to each waypoint number in the editor when translating over to scripting.
  12. st_dux

    !alive ID buildings

    You need to use nearestObject in conjunction with a game logic or other object placed nearby the building whose status you wish to check. Also, I'm not sure that the alive command will work properly for buildings; you might want to do a damage check instead. Example condition: damage (position gameLogicName nearestObject 19266) > .95 Simply replace "gameLogicName" with the name of the game logic or object that you placed near the building, and you should be good to go.
  13. st_dux

    FLIR problem with OA

    Why doesn't your "friend" post about "his" problem?
  14. st_dux

    A game we need

    @SiC-Disaster: I did like Schindler's List. I also liked All Quiet on the Western Front. You couldn't make a viable video game out of either of those works, however. Video games need something that keeps the gameplay going, and subject matter as dreary as WWI or the Holocaust (not to be confused with fighting the Nazis to stop the Holocaust) just doesn't have that. You might find it interesting to play though an interactive story of depression, but 99% of people would find that sort of anti-gameplay boring, so the game would fail. Video games can't get away with being purely artistic like books and some movies can; video games need gameplay. @Second: I didn't mention WWII a single time in the post that you quoted, so I'm not sure what lack of research you're criticizing there. As far as WWI is concerned, what facts did I "twist", exactly?
  15. No :( The only way to do this is to modify the unit configs, i.e., create an addon.
  16. st_dux

    A game we need

    I wonder this as well. Anyone who's done any research on WWI would know that one of its hallmarks was advances in military technology that far outpaced advances in military tactics. The result of this was impressive defensive lines -- with new machine guns and artillery much more powerful than anything that had been seen in the past -- being attacked via bayonet charge. Even simple things like barbed wire proved to be incredibly difficult obstacles for commanders to overcome with their utterly obsolete repertoire of tactics. Both sides on the Western Front essentially took it in turns to throw men at the other's trench line in between massive artillery barrages that could go on for days. The men in these frontal assaults were invariably slaughtered, so battles only really progressed when one side ran out of men or ammunition. Add to this futility of action things like the widespread use of poison gas on both sides and you've got a picture so fucking bleak that even Hollywood can't turn it into something entertaining. Yes, all war is horrible. But WWI is in a class of horrible all its own, and even a halfway accurate portrayal of it as a game would be nothing but depressing and boring.
  17. You can't add choices this way, but you could just add actions that correspond to various conversation branches. If you want to use the built-in conversation menu, though, you're going to have to learn how to create FSM files. Thankfully, FSM files actually aren't that hard to make if you have a decent FSM editor. They use the same scripting language, and they're presented in a graphical way that's really quite intuitive.
  18. It's been a while since I've worked with the conversation system, but you'll need to use an FSM file for all AI speech. Scripts only work with players.
  19. Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a way to do this outside of VBS2.
  20. st_dux

    A game we need

    There aren't any games/movies that focus on WWI because WWI sucked. Gameplay would consist of sitting down in a trench for hours until one of two things happens: A. You make a futile charge straight toward enemy machinegun positions and get gunned down. B. You are about to make a futile charge when you are hit with mustard gas and die an agonizing death. An entertaining movie or game this would not make. WWI was so bad that even in real life no side wanted to fight it all the way through to the end. They did it for a few years, and then everyone got so tired of it that they all agreed to an armistice.
  21. Have your tried deleteEditorObject? I'm honestly not sure what this does exactly, so it might not work, but it's worth a shot.
  22. No, just deleteVehicle. However, this isn't really what you'll want to do for your situation. Instead, put isServer in the condition field. This will ensure than only the server creates the spawning box; the clients won't be messing things up by running the trigger themselves.
  23. Is this mission being played in multiplayer? If not, can I see the script?
  24. Try it again. I changed the code for the second trigger slightly, so it should work now.
  25. I see. Well in that case what you need to do is a create a repeatedly activated trigger that detects when units from the civilian side are present within the kill zone area (which you can define by altering the size of the trigger). Name this trigger "civTrig" in the "Name" field. Now create another trigger over the position where all of the civilians start. Make sure that this trigger is large enough to include every single civilian; you might need to make it quite enormous, but that's OK. Like the first trigger, make this trigger activated by civilians being present, but unlike the first trigger, make this one so that it can be activated only once. In the On Activation field of this trigger, put the following: {_x addEventHandler ["killed",{if !((_this select 0) in (list civTrig)) then {loss = true}}]} forEach thisList Finally, create a third trigger. This trigger does not need to have any area; it will be activated by the "loss" variable. In the Condition field of this trigger, erase "This" and put the following: loss Now change the trigger's type to the End # that corresponds to the debriefing you wish to use in the event that the mission is failed on account of killing a civilian outside of the acceptable engagement range.