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Everything posted by Jan_F_W

  1. I would like to not see the weapon anymore, is this possible, too? removeWeapon and removeMagazine will not take influence on the vehicle model as far as i spotted...
  2. Also having this problem that respawned AI soldiers do nothing - how to give them an init?? :confused:
  3. ... is there really no one who knows how to have a respawned soldier make use of a previously defined init commands?? :confused:
  4. How can I assign these commands to a AI Unit which has respawned in MP? I still dont find a way how I can tell respawned units what to do?
  5. not sure if this is a bug when I used this script with the LittleBirds (Cyborgs Mod) helicopters they jumped 20m in the air for most of the time when they spawned and exploded when falling to ground... I disabled the explosion effect which is true by default but this has also given no improvement on this so I meanwhile switched to the t-respawn.sqt script.
  6. Thanks for your reply. I actually already those commands but without taking effect. I also gave the order "this orderGet In true" but the soldiers did not move. I assume its like with the vehicles that new spawned units lose their reference and init etc so I dont know how I could have new spawned units do an action (for vehicles Im using the t-respawn script and this works quite perfect here since you can define an init after respawn). Also, is there a defference when I run the map in editor or emualte MP by hosting a LAN server (due to the respawns)?
  7. great =) thanks a lot for your help!
  8. I got it now working :D Important thing was to convert the double quotes to single quotes when calling: "this removeMagazine '14Rnd_FFAR'; this addMagazine '4000Rnd_762x51_M134'" ^^ This is the init parameter having two calls. Having a concrete example of how this had looked would have saved me a lot of time actually ;) ---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 PM ---------- Instead of using parameters for the init I would like to define config or class files where startup attributes for certain types of vehicles are defined, is it possible to include a call to a config for the init parameter?
  9. Hi guys, how can I call a script when a verhicle gets destroyed? I would like to rearm/reconfigure certain units after they have been destroyed. Im not sure but I would use something like this: - UNIT addEventHandler ["Killed", {_this exec "Skript.sqs"}] [Name1,Name2,Name3] exec "skript.sqs" for the group. in the script I would write something like: _Unit = _this select 0 @alive _Unit removeallWeapons _Unit _Unit addmagazine "30Rnd_545x39_AKSD"; _Unit addweapon "AKS74UN"; exit; Is this the way it would work?
  10. :cool: Answering my own question you can find the solution to this here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79070
  11. I would like to run this script or functions when a vehicle respawns : this removeMagazine "14Rnd_FFAR"; this addMagazine "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"; How can I make this happen? I dont get along with the init parameter very well, thought it should be entered there but how?