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About pipsta

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  1. pipsta

    Does Arma II call home?

    run a packet trace whilst youre running and see if it goes anywhere
  2. yeah but as most have said, no matter what settings you change fps stays same. Down to CPU calculations not, texture detail etc etc
  3. If they know this why are going on and on about tweaking graphics settings etc.
  4. Guys Reading through all your threads with regards to poor fps with what ever settings you are using, Your rigs are plently man enough to run this game. What I have noticed. I start up editor, whack the graphics settings all to very high i can get 30-40 fps average where ever i go on the map. My rig is not the best in the world. 9800gtx x2 dual core 4800 X2 2g ram As soon as i start adding units to the map the fps starts to fall. I dont think however much you tweak the graphics, you are not going to improve things a great deal. The load here is on the CPU, carrying out all the AI's thinking/calculations etc. You've even said yourselves the GPU load is at 20-30%. If the GPU's are not being stressed then are we still seeing poor fps, stuttering. Conclusion. Either BIS have been to ambitious with the complexity of AI and current rigs are not yet powerful enough to run the game effiently or they have coded it in such away that this game requires massive amount of CPU power or there are memory leaks everywhere using up all our machines CPU resources. My 2p worth Your thoughts?