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About dankurt

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  1. dankurt

    Launcher not opening the game.

    Thanks guys, looks like you have pinpointed the source of the issue as I just disabled the BattlEye as instructed and the Launcher PLAY button successfully launched the game. If I re enable the BattlEye then the game will not launch, but its progress. ;)
  2. dankurt

    Launcher not opening the game.

    Thanks for the recommendations chaps, its much appreciated and i have tried safe mode start up with HW acceleration disabled and this made no difference. I also think my question may have been misunderstood as the Launcher will start, but once it has checked for updates to the mods, Arma news etc, it will fail to launch the Arma game from the PLAY button. Really frustrating, just wish I could get to the bottom of the problem.
  3. I am unable to play the game using the game launcher. The launcher starts up, checks the mods and then once you press play, you are taken back to the Steam library. I have tried launching the game directly from the root folder Arma application and that works fine, but obviously without the mods. I have also tried deleting the Arma ap, Launcher ap in the root folder then used the Steam Validating Files tool to re install them back to the root folder. I found a thread that recommended to update my Windows 10 to see if that fixed the problem, but no luck with that either. So does any kind soul have any further repairs I could try?
  4. Is this game DirectSound3D or OpenAL? I would like to know if I should be using Alchamey with my XFi card and Vista.
  5. dankurt

    SP Mission: Operation Enable Sky

    Managed to sort out chopper crash bug. When chopper flies over LZ, I put my cursor over the chopper and hit space bar and told all my men to board chopper before it had a chance to get to the lower part of the field and the offending power lines. The chopper immediately turns and lands:yay: Was able to complete the mission no problems after that. Great mission, thanks.
  6. dankurt

    SP Mission: Operation Enable Sky

    Having a problem with the chopper pick up. The chopper always hits the dam overhead cables and crashes. Tried reverting to a save point but it seems to be bugged. Shame as I had really enjoyed this mission up to this point.
  7. Really enjoyed this one, had a problem with my snipers not wanting to follow move orders until I had a wee chat with them! another bug in the game and nowt to do with your superb mission. By the way does anyone know how to get a full squad to rearm with out having to tell each grunt individually?
  8. Cheers bud, what border are you 2 clicks North?
  9. I was tasked with the investigating the "safe house". On getting there, we where set upon by a group of four bad guys, they where dispensed with easily enough and a group of bad guys in the woodland behind where taken out by a passing USMC patrol, so all baddies dead so why the hell hasn't the task moved to complete? Ive searched the area for hours, checked all the bodies and no search prompt came up so what am I to do? Anything I missed:j: