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About Duck4coveR

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  1. Duck4coveR

    Quad SLI (Two Questions)

    I run a Phenom II 955 and use two 9800GX2's and on any game i can play them at 3840x1024 triple head with no problems whatsoever! Then Arma 2 came along and spoilt that.... the biggest res i can use with decent frame rates and all settings on normal is 1280x1024, and belive it or not the frame rates get better when i take one of the cards out. My PC scored over 17000 points in 3DMARK and its not even overclocked so I have no idea why this game runs so poorly compared to the others i have. Very frustraiting as when i play it i do enjoy it... but at the same time i know it could be so much better !!
  2. Duck4coveR

    1.03 won't even install.

    I have same problem. Cant install the patch due to my files not being in there defult location???? tried moving the patch file to same drive.. no good made sure files are correctly named.. no good tried removing all mods.. no good tried moving the bohemia folder to default location.. no good CD is original !! So do i waste one of my limited installs putting the game in the default location?? But correct me if im wrong but dont games run better when there not installed on the C drive!! you would think there would be an option for a manual search option in the patch but i guess thats to much to hope for these days. If its not an option in the next patch this game is going back! cause aint wasting time trying to get something to work.. i just want it to work! Grrrrr :)
  3. I dont think this type of game could ever be converted into a MMORPG with paid subscriptions. There's just not enough roles, content and room for character building. There's no persistant world, and the worst part of all MMO's is the dam boring griding for hours and hours just to get your character that little bit better. Then as with all MMO's you soon have those people who seem to have no life away from there pc running around with there uber characters seemingly untouchable killing everyone, blowing the simulation of the game right out the water. I know before any other consideration, you guys have to turn a proffit otherwise whats the point in being here. Personally i have no problem paying for DLC content whatsoever. And i think this is your only option with the type of game you have. New maps, new missions and new weapons we all would like to see as often as possible. But as for being worried about it fracturing the comunity into the have's and have nots you just need to look at X-box live and the PSN, practicaly every game gets additional content now and things seem to be busy regardless. **PS** As its the comunity that makes so much of the additional content, why not setup a process that the modders upload there content to BIS where it gets checked and added to DLC packs making them offical content for server compatability. And some of the proffit could go back to the modder that created the content?? You just have to provide good extra content and and there will always be people there wanting to buy it !!
  4. Yeah i see your point, being worried about people hiding and just being able to pick off the opposing team without any fear is the fine line between fun and too realistic. My idea was primaraly aimed at the snipers with those ghillie suits though, but what you say would be a good option. When there not moving they could be rendered at 25% then upto 50% if they started moving ?
  5. The problem isnt the fact that the grass isnt rendered, the problem is that the player is at long distances! Surley some kind of code can be written into the game like if your Prone, in grass type A, then your not rendered if viewed at more than say 50m? ( A+B=C ) its just the draw distance working the opposite way round in particular situations? Obviously Id still want to see rendered the muzzle flash and smoke at all times, and also perhaps the binoculars made to see through this draw distance restriction, thus making a spotter a real asset in game :) I think this would be a much better way then is currently used, if possible with the game engine ???