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About Andy09

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Andy09

    Sound broken by 1.03?

    Static and distortion here to in single player campaign Using the sound card that came with my MOBO. Did not have the problem with 1.02.. prolly cause I couldn't even get to this stage in the campaign. Still it's only happened once & the patch has made the game "playable" so I'm not complaining!
  2. Andy09

    Arma 2 - For real?

    I'm hanging out for the next driver pack from NVIDIA as they seem to be putting in more of an effort fixing the game than BIS are. I might be wrong about BIS but the months keep on ticking over & I would really love to play the single player campaign the way I intended to when I spent my hard earned cash on the game. There should have been a sticker on the front of the box that read: "Beware! you will not be able to play the single player campaign as we have not yet ironed out a quarter of the bugs. Have a nice day"
  3. Andy09

    If my copy is licensed?

    Sounds dodgy as you must enter your serial number from the back of the manual when installing.
  4. Andy09

    help, insanity encroaches!

    Well you must of cause you got suckered into buying this game just as I did.
  5. Andy09

    Patch 1.03

    Make it stable bobdamnit!!! otherwise I will go bald from pulling out all of my hair DOH! I am bald
  6. So what is your problem? I thought this thread was about bad graphics performance.. did I miss something. Not everyone is an online "Old Bear" :annoy:
  7. It's a sorta funny game as it has a mind of it's own. One day you will be cranking along with hardly any problems but the next day it will be errors & crashes. Leave it alone for a day or two & it will probably run flawlessly. Day one was a complete bummer for me. I lost that lovin' feeling.. you know the one you get with great anticipation. ARRRRRGGG!!
  8. Andy09

    Someone please help

    Can you please post a screen shot of a in-game image plus one of the settings you have in the graphics options screen Megakill.
  9. That temp is fine for your GPU. Anything over 92ish can start giving you problems. What sort of card (Make/Model) do you have? cause some cards like mine (EVGA 8800GToc) have programs that allow you to fine tune your card & boost fan speeds. My GPU runs at around 60-65°c on 1920x1200 in ArmA 2. Other games it can reach 90 but hasn't since downloading the the program. 75 is the tops
  10. +1 for flickering especially when I'm using the map. Also get some tearing in-game on certain missions. Still it's a fun game
  11. Andy09

    Arma 2 Has Stopped Working

    +1 It's boring reading his posts
  12. The only thing OC'ed is my GPU & that's factory. Does not seem to cause any problems in other games. Reaches about 68c playing ArmA 2 with the fan set at 55%. I tried out turning off PhysX acceleration http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=76908 & it seems to run much better in the "My missions" & I did not have any CTD's or graphics corruptions. I'm not that keen to get back into the single player campaign as that's where the problem is. I think I'll wait for another patch or 3 before attempting to give it a shot. Thanks for the help fellow soldiers :)
  13. I use O&O defrag once a week & the disc has no errors. I'll probably run into a problem sometime this arvo as I'm going to push ArmA 2's limits to see where the problem lies. I'm 100% sure it's not my computer but more of the #2's coding in-game. Never had this prob with #1 I should have listened to the game reviewers out there but the demo was so much fun I had to buy it. Shame the Demo ran 3x smoother than the full version on my rig.
  14. Andy09

    FADE or just bugs?

    That sent shivers down my spine. Ever thought of writing a unexplained mystery novel ;)