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Posts posted by amorrin89

  1. Or perhaps you have no idea how to setup/use a PC?

    I forsee a lock soon.

    oooh zipper, thats getting close to a personal insult. Perhaps you would care to explain what PC configuration will allow me to bypass the internal scripting errors of the campaign? it would help everyone here and ensure the financial stability of BIS

    ---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

    So you can't accept the fact that the game works for the overwhelming majority? There may be a lot of people posting issues, but out of the number of people who bought the game, it's definitely the minority.

    prove it

  2. End of YOUR story, Buggers to those who see only one aspect of play in this type of game. There is a multitude of ways to play, and thank you Sirex for a work around for that.

    Different CODE!?!?! what crack pipe are you smoking? it's the same frikkin game?!?! I need to leave before the crazyness overwhelms me and I get my first infraction.

    yes well worked out that it's the same game. Subtlety obviously isnt your strong point. To be perfectly honest, im not interested in your opinion, I just want BIS to get the message. You can sit here and post angry fanboy messages all day, I on the other hand am spending my time telling people not to buy the game. Dont get angry, because its not going to make any difference

  3. I'm enjoying ArmA 2.

    I don't think it's buggy or flawed at all. I am amazed by the game and it's potential.

    I salute BIS.

    Well good for you, you have obviously managed to purchase a copy that has no coding flaws whatsoever. However this would suggest the fact that some copies are bugged and others arent, which is equally unacceptable.

  4. Why does everyone keep labeling ArmA II as unplayable? If it was unplayable it wouldn't be working for the majority of buyers, including myself. Saying it's unplayable means exactly what it says - you can't play it. Yet people are. So stop calling it unplayable as it's not, unless you say explicitly "unplayable for me".

    People over-exaggerate a lot now...

    any game that cannot be finished due to bugs is unplayable end of story

  5. so what youre saying is that we should just put up and shut up? Im not interested in their financial woes, what I am interested in is the fact that I spent £25 on a game that is unplayable. Im not interested in hearing that I should 'just play the game and like it'. Its astonishingly ridiculous that you have to skip missions to continue. Oh and yes I played Opflash and Arma, and thought this time Bohemia would have learnt their lesson. Obviously not, therefore they have seen the last of my money. Oh and before anyone chooses to rant and rave at me, save your breath and your time because im just not interested.
