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Everything posted by ApacheStark

  1. Heya - So I really want to have radio chatter when I am walking through the woods etc - (It's all about the illusion and the overall feeling isn't it?) Since I have a military clip page I have a lot of movies of radio chatter and I stripped some and also downloaded the end sequence from Generation kill put them all together and made them sound a little bit more like radio chatter - specificly the once from Generation kill sounded too "clean" . A lot of radio chatter from Vietnam - that is actuall radio chatter - and not only the one you can hear on the obvious webpage we all know. I am no sound engineer by any means - so what I do is I leave this running in the background when I play ARMA2- its crude but it works. Let me know if this is needed and wanted and I put a large file together - this one is 8 mb large wmv file not compressed to mp3 yet but I have a lot more chatter - so let me know. Maybe somebody can work with me on this one to make it a real mod? where the chatter gets more distant when one specific character is farthe away? Download here: www.apacheclips.com/soundsbits/radiochatter.wmv BTW: Check out http://www.apacheclips.com if you are it
  2. what about the script where do I need to put that?
  3. can somebody please explain to me how to get this to work?
  4. very very nice looking - thanks a lot
  5. Like I said I have a lot more - so I be more then happy to share them out.
  6. sorry mate wasn't sure were to put this - mods if you can move this please.
  7. So I was "shooting" the s***t yesterday, I was waiting for my helo to pick me up - there was no hostiles around so I took some potshot of a far enough car - I zoom and and keep pressing the trigger and one of my team mates walks right in front of me and gets a headshot for his trouble. Was kinda funny...
  8. They maybe better then ARMA1 but there is still a lot that doens't really add up - for excample - the Gatttling cannon in the helo - if you have ever heard one either in real life or in a real clips you know it's extremly loud. One thing I don't understand - And I may say at this point that I worked in the games industry more precise - for Vivendi - quite a while. I don't understand how sometimes Developers spend all the time to create a realistic game but than when it comes to the dialoge or the in game sounds tend to forget all about it. For excample: the ingame Dialoges are extremly cheesy - all they needed to do is have a look (on my webpage for excample) what and more important how Soldiers talk to each other when they are under fire. And again it depends where you look - In Iraq you have a lot of Soldiers that have just been deployed or have their first combat experience therefore you have a lot of GO GET SOME GO DIE etc. However - In Afghanistan you have a lot of very battle hardened troops - you rarely hear them shout GO GET SOME etc these guys are on their second and third tour sometimes and are very professional - they shout orders and or commands but thats about it - no cheering etc. I think if you want to simuate a Deep force recon team in ARMA2 (which is still debatable if they are special forces or SO) they shouldn't say lines like....- Oh brother and if we see some action I show them who's fucking boss. To me that sounds extemly cheesy - much better would have been if they wouldn't have said anything but you can hear the radio chatter in the bakground - or you hear one guy confirming their mission - no HORAA stuff but simple guys that do a job and know how to do it well. Hope I haven't gone over board - but the Dialog in a game is so important to me personaly.
  9. Count yourself lucky :) I seruiously regret watching some clips I have seen - but I am so damn curious :(
  10. Yep of course I'm not going to post that sort of clips here - Be honest I wasn't to thrilled when the first member posted a beheading movie way back - including the IED clips against Coalition troops - but (and we have discussed this to death on my webpage) the majority thinks if the page is called uncompromising military clips - then we should be also showing these clips. It comes down to - do you want to see it or not - if not don't click on it :) There is also a filter of course where you can choose to not have these clips displayed.
  11. Yeah Its mostly about the Audio in that clip - can you imagine the stress of coordinating a danger close mission like this? having seen what somebody looks like who;s hit by a 30mm - Despite that the groundperson sounds like he is a bit in a panic he deffiantly has his shit together. Naturaly since I have seen most of the Military clips around I can savely say this is by far one of the best A-10 close air support clips around. I'm not sure if that breaks any rules but do you think I can post a movie where you can see a group of insurgents being hit with a hellfire and they get right back up - its a movie that was under investigation by the ARmy to see what effects rockets (for hardtargets) have on soft targets. They are in the process of changing the hellfires with a steel coat and pellets. Hope I am not breaking any rules - if so I edit the list straight away http://www.apacheclips.com/media/6017/Listen_to_the_Clearance/ http://www.apacheclips.com/media/5938/Hellfire_Problem/
  12. I don't think there is much out yet - however what these members mean (and correct me if I am wrong) that this game will be all about Mods - I mean since the game is pretty much build around a busy mod community (see OFP the original) they have of course created ARMA2 with this in mind. All I want is an US - Afghanistan - and Iraq mod :D
  13. Heya, First post bought ARMA2 yesterday - and absolutly love it... Just saw this thread and thought you guys may want to check out my webpage www.apacheclips.com - It's a military combat movie sharing webpage only - we have around 7000 militray combat related clips - some very harsh and extreme footage of course as well - so maybe not worksave depending for who you work for of course ;) We pretty much have also all the Apache-nightvision-Insurgent clips - they are quite interesting to say the least. Have a look at this A-10 Gun run movie - it's very intense - the person that gave me the clips said the groundtroops were getting ambushed and needed danger close support asap - you can clearly see why blue on blue happens at times - he practicly lays down the A-10 30mm right in front of him - at one point you can see the two Humvee trucks. http://www.apacheclips.com/media/809/A10_Air_Support/ Regarding ARMA2 - anybody know how I can get in contact with the people that operate the official webpage?