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About logimenn

  • Rank
    Private First Class


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  1. Hi, Mission is pretty nice. I finished it a few times. Always on daytime at 75% and 100% difficulty. I hate night etc. in Arma2. Basically everything is ok in mission but sometimes AI soldiers just try to flew or they r running in distance/hiding in a trees not even trying to kill me. Not all enemy's but mostly one squad or just few soldiers. Helps save reload,then they'll back in bussines :-) I dont think it was supposed to be like this. Also please make crates contain more weapons (like Javelin, M136, maybe few enemy guns like AK74,AKM etc.) cuz at this moment I only use G36/K with SMAW and 2 or 3 rockets. Mines are useless cuz I never now where the enemy armor is and where he wants to go so ill stay with SMAW. Sorry for my english. Great mission and as for me the BEST from all missions for ARMA2 :-) I always enjoy killing russians and shooting to enemy tanks and APC's.
  2. logimenn

    DoW - how to end ?

    I can destroy barracks but HQ is invulnerable.
  3. logimenn

    DoW - how to end ?

    Thanks, ill try this. Maybe its a bug or something. EDIT: These coordinates are this point where I have only enemy barracks and HQ nothing else. So, this enemy units are from air cuz nothing there. No factories etc. Just this two buildings. Also I cant capture elektorawodzk, 2 strongpoints r green and 2 r blue and objective is still "Capture Elektrozawodzk". There no enemy in town only friendlies. I think I must restart this freaking BUG mission. Thanks for help.
  4. logimenn

    DoW - how to end ?

    Great !! :/ My mission looks like this: I killed Prizrak in Badlands In DoW I didnt take command Allmost all towns are captured, except elektrozavorska and MSta where enemy still respawns ... Marine Corps didnt arrive... soo I stuck at this moment. EDIT: I cant find enemy base. I look for salvage trucks and I see that they come from very E of Msta central but from where exactly ? I cant find anything in this area. Maybe someona have screenshot with marked base ? this will be helpful.
  5. logimenn

    DoW - how to end ?

    @Jakerod Yeah CDF and NAPA allied. I killed Prizrak earlier. @Potatomasher Yes, enemy salvage trucks are driving around, usually one salvage truck and two trucks with gear. ill try to spy where is they come from.
  6. logimenn

    DoW - how to end ?

    I searched for any other enemy buildings somewhere E of Msta and nothing found :| Anybody have map with marked position of enemy base except this barracks and his HQ ? Thx
  7. logimenn

    where i can buy/get nvgoggles??

    crew members and pilots always have NV googles. In DoW I found NVs only for me, rest of the team has cat eye's. They dont need NVs to see at night.
  8. logimenn

    DoW - how to end ?

    Now I dont remember exactly. I know that I go to Chernogorsk and destroy 2x UAZ and killed some soldiers then message appears that town is captured (by green on map). In Msta I only see barracks and enemy HQ. HQ is immortal and barracks still respawns after destroy.
  9. Hi, Im playing DoW on 1.03 patch (Game is legit of course) and i captured all towns and now cant end mission cuz enemy still respawns in Msta over and over. I dont had any other tasks like capture lopotev on island, why ? Where I can find this sergeant Marny, he's not in main HQ. Where is he ? And that other guy from briefing. Pls help. I play this mission for about 6-8 hours and I have enough.
  10. Thanks so much. Now it works but without NV Goggles this mission is ffs frustrating in few moments. And this through grass all seing AI :mad:
  11. BlackAlpha thanks for save, Ill try it but what I must to do just after when Copper says "major begunov, lieutanant ...bla bla bla" ? Cuz when I revert DoW my team mates still dont want to move. I must go and speak to specified person or what ?
  12. OK, thanks. Ill try today evening or tomorrow
  13. Here's my profile http://rapidshare.com/files/256115247/ArmA_2.rar
  14. Yeah, after manhattan i run after NAPA guys to his hideout. U r right. i saw this now that linebackers ArmaII launcher didnt work properly when using "force directx9" switch cuz he didnt add a mods to command line. EDIT: Mod loaded and still wont work. Shit. Send U my whole profile folder with saves or only profile file ?
  15. Hmm... In previous mission I killed Prizrak and at begining DoW a hint in top corner says that an alliance between BLUFOR and Guerillas has begun. I used revert on DoW. How to join another side ?