Sorry to go all necro and bump an old thread, but I'd rather do so than make a new one :)
One of the reason I'm looking into Arma2 is because of Project Reality in many senses. My clan has pretty much moved over to this, and when I get some money to buy a new computer, I'll get Arma 2 as well. PR has been a great game, and the community is extremely tactically minded for the most part. However, aside from the BF2 engine limitations that it has to cope with, I'm also very disappointed with some of the developper decisions.
Some of them evidently have a warped sense of reality or of how to accomplish "gameplay" (which is one of the main focus of PR, reality often comes second if at all). For instance, headshots were eliminated as something that killed you because, and I quote loosely, "the concept of 'boom... headshot!' stil exists, and many armies train their infantry not to aim for the head." Alongside with the ignorance given to vehicles makes it so that aircraft are at the hands of ground based infantry to use their weapons at all, where no tank has to fear aircraft or take tactical maneuvers against it, yadda yadda. In essence, Project Reality is mainly an infantry mod for Battlefield 2, where cheerleading forum goers who praise any developper decision without taking an unbiased look at it towards reality encourage the most retarded of actions, the same community which can't seem to cope with the thought that arming aircraft realistically and giving them realistic weapon systems actually increases teamwork because they'd actually be a feared asset :icon_rolleyes:
Not that I hope anyone gets the wrong idea, because PR is still a really enjoyable game with an amazing community. I still play it, mainly cuz it's all I got hehe, but some of the long range firefights are amazing.
Annnnnnyways, wanted to make an entrance but I ended up starting a rant :rolleyes: I've got the Arma II demo, and aside from the sound and animations, I think everything is much better than PR as of yet. Can't wait to get the real-deal, though.